Icy Phoenix


IP Bans Still Not Working

Category: ACP
Version Icy Phoenix 2.0 Beta (Unknown - Unknown)
Tue 10 Jul, 2012 07:29
So sorry to tell but this still does not look fixed to me.

If you look at this post ( http://www.icyphoenix.com/show_post.php?p=55936 ) ....
The next day a new member on this IP has registered a new account again ( http://www.icyphoenix.com/profile.p...u=10573&stats=1 )
Mighty Gorgon
Sat 12 Jan, 2013 21:40
I'll try to check again.

I have tested it intensively in the past to make sure it worked, but maybe there is still something not working fine.
Details Assigned To: Mighty Gorgon
Priority: Medium
Status: Archived
Fixed: Yes