Watched_topics.php Is Not Working Fine
Category: Profile
Version Icy Phoenix 2.0 (PHP 5.x - MySQL 5.x)
Thu 06 Sep, 2012 00:13

Watched Topics counts more than only the one you would like to watch.
It also counts each reply you did in this topic.
Mighty Gorgon
Sat 12 Jan, 2013 22:04
I can't replicate this error, can you post a screenshot? Can you try to remove topics from the list and then add again?


I should have fixed it.
Details Assigned To: Mighty Gorgon
Priority: Low
Status: Fixed
Fixed: Yes



Posted by TheSteffen • Mon 12 Nov, 2012 13:02

Here you can see 14 sites of watched topics.
Some topics are there more than one time.
Either I am watching a topic or not. But watching a topic 2x or more is quite strange

Secound one
If you want to "stop watching" you get this sql error

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