Icy Phoenix


[Template related] Double Logo on RC1 enabling logo throught CMS

Category: CMS
Version Icy Phoenix 1.2 (Unknown - Unknown)
novice programmer
Sun 19 Apr, 2009 14:31
Retriving [BUG] Double Logo Using IP RC 1

arector wrote: [View Post]
When using the nav_logo block in the CMS with the new version and enabling it:

This is what happens with the logo:

As you can see, I now have a double logo using the CMS block. Am I missing something or is this a bug? I can easily solve the issue by editing the overall_header.tpl file, but I only see that as a workaround and would prefer to use the CMS option.

Workaround: Perhaps we should insert the logo on CMS but in template while installing.... (overall_header.tpl)

Estimated priorty: It is a end-looking bug, so I guess low/very low. It appears not to make scripts fail, or to have involved security issues.
Mighty Gorgon
Sun 26 Apr, 2009 18:02
As I said, currently only the top left position is reserved for logo, so if someone wants to center the logo he will have to create a top left logo with just a space in it...

Alternatively template has to be edited.
Details Assigned To: Mighty Gorgon
Priority: Very Low
Status: Not A Bug
Fixed: Yes

