Icy Phoenix


Multiple Message_die Errors In The Album Section

Category: Template
Version Icy Phoenix 2.0 Beta (PHP 5.x - MySQL 5.x)
Fri 06 Apr, 2012 19:18
Some pages give multiple message_die errors in the albums section. Also here on this site. From the profile of a user, clicking on the 'Personal Gallery of xxx' when no gallery has been created. For example I don't have a gallery, so my profile will show the problem to other 'normal' users. If you're the owner of the gallery or an admin, you won't see the error page.

This is therefore a permissions problem, and I'm not sure how to go about resolving the problem.

What I do know though is that this occurs with Debug on, and is triggered by calling the sql_db->sql_error() function.

This same or a similar condition occurs on the album_modcp.php page if you click one of the 'Move', 'Block', 'Delete', 'Approve', or 'Refuse' buttons without having selected any image.

Mighty Gorgon
Sun 13 May, 2012 12:32
I should have fixed most of them by using this:

Code: [Hide] [Select]
Details Assigned To: Mighty Gorgon
Priority: Low
Status: Fixed
Fixed: Yes



Posted by jhl • Sat 07 Apr, 2012 00:07

Missed the add image button...

Here are the screenshots:

album_bug2 album_bug3

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