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Welcome To Icy Phoenix

  • What is Icy Phoenix?
  • Icy Phoenix is a CMS based on phpBB (a fully scalable and highly customisable open-source Bulletin Board package PHP based) plus many modifications and code integrations which add flexibility to the whole package. The official home page for phpBB is www.phpbb.com. Icy Phoenix has some features originally developed for phpBB XS Project which has been founded by Bicet and then developed by both Bicet and Mighty Gorgon. Icy Phoenix has been created by Luca Libralato after he left the phpBB XS Project.

  • What are the main features of Icy Phoenix?
  • Icy Phoenix has many features, most of them are listed in the Features Page and in the Credits Page. The main ones are:
    • phpBB bulletin board and permission system
    • CMS features allowing the creation of new pages and blocks
    • Overall template integration among all site sections
    • Many ready to use features: Photo Gallery, Downloads, Knowledge Base, Links, Chat...
    • Multi-language and multi-template ready
    • Almost 100% XHTML and CSS W3C compliant
    • ...and many others...

  • Is Icy Phoenix supported for bugs, security issues, improvements?
  • Icy Phoenix is an open source project. As like many open source projects it is developed by people using their free time. At the moment there are several persons in the staff willing to help and to contribute to this project. We hope the community will continue to grow and be able to provide all the necessary support to all the users who may need help.

  • Is Icy Phoenix easy to install and upgrade from other platforms?
  • Icy Phoenix has its own setup procedure which guides the user through the steps of the setup process. An upgrading file is provided to upgrade the package from standard phpBB and phpBB XS. Hopefully an upgrade procedure from any other platform will be written in the future: at the moment the only way to upgrade from another platform is by downgrading to phpBB and then run the provided upgrade procedure.

  • Does Icy Phoenix have many templates?
  • Yes, at the moment there are some free templates (some of them with multicolour variations) and we are working to create new ones. If you are interested in new templates you should regularly check the support forum and Styles Section.

  • Is Icy Phoenix multi-language?
  • English is the main language of Icy Phoenix, but it has been translated into other languages (alphabetical order): Arabic, Catalan, Dutch, German, Italian, Spanish... and more to come! If you don't find your language listed here, please ask at the support forum, maybe someone else is working on the translation you need and you would be welcome to join the translation team to give your contribution.

  • Will Icy Phoenix be upgraded to phpBB 3?
  • The matter is quite complex. Even if the starting core was phpBB 2, many phpBB 3 features and core functions have been ported to Icy Phoenix: this means that currently Icy Phoenix is based on a version of phpBB which is an hybrid between phpBB 2 and phpBB 3. The code is highly optimized, it uses cache extensively, you shouldn't miss phpBB 3.

  • May I join the Icy Phoenix Project?
  • Of course. Icy Phoenix is an open source project, and anyone who is willing to give his own contribution on a stable basis may then apply to join the Team.

Before trying to install Icy Phoenix make sure you have the following STRICTLY NEEDED requirements:
  • At least 20 MB of free space in the folder you would like to install the package.
  • Web server with PHP (5 or higher) installed and running (works best on Linux + Apache).
  • MySQL (5 or higher) database with at least 5MB of free space (of course the space needed depends on how big your site will be... 5MB is enough for a basic empty setup).
  • Ability to set CHMOD permissions.

These other requirements (even if not strictly needed) are suggested for optimal performance of Icy Phoenix:
  • Hosting Services with .htaccess capability.
  • Apache Rewrite Mod installed and running.
  • GD Libraries (at least 2.0.28) installed and running.
  • Register Globals set to OFF.

Icy Phoenix Features
Icy Phoenix Documentation

Please refer to the forum for further informations and support requests.


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Icy Phoenix - Patch

Icy Phoenix - Patch Posted  Sun 17 Jan, 2010 10:43 By Mighty Gorgon
Icy Phoenix

Hi all,
here is the first patch of Icy Phoenix which will upgrade your version to

How to install this patch:
  1. Make a full backup, both files and DB
  2. Download the patch from the link below
  3. Extract the package on your hard disk
  4. Copy the install folder in the root of your website
  5. Launch install/database_update.php
  6. Upload all files into your website by replacing old ones (please note that you may have customized some files like constants.php or lang_main_settings.php, and you may want to update them before uploading)
  7. Enjoy your updated website!

Not Authorized
You are not authorized to download this file

Should you have any kind of error, please use the support forum to report it..



Tags And Keywordsicy phoenix, patch

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Site Updated To Latest SVN Version

Site Updated To Latest SVN Version Posted  Fri 04 Dec, 2009 21:23 By Mighty Gorgon
Icy Phoenix
Hi all,
I have just updated this site to the latest SVN release.

This version is still unstable, but I needed to test some things on live environment, and I have decided to take the risk on Icy Phoenix main site.

I hope everything is working in a decent way, otherwise... I'll try to fix bugs as soon as possible.

Please use the General Support forum to report all the bugs you will find here.

Here are some of the new Icy Phoenix features:

  • Cache Functions ported from phpBB 3
  • DB Class ported from phpBB 3
  • Many Core Functions ported from phpBB 3
  • Many SQL rewritten
  • Optimized templates parsing
  • Improved SEO functions all over the CMS
  • Tags feature
  • Custom BBCodes in ACP
  • New Plugins system
  • Some new AJAX functions in CMS
  • Private AJAX Chat rooms
  • Many smaller updates and features... install the SVN version to discover all of them!

phpBB 3 styles in Styles section have been updated to phpBB 3.0.6. I have also updated ColorizeIt to the brand new version which is more accurate and will allow many extra features and colorizations opportunites, go checking it!

I will try to show you the benefit of some of the new features in the following days... stay tuned!

In the meantime, you should notice a performance increase in pages loading in this website.

Enjoy Icy Phoenix!

Luca Libralato


Tags And Keywordscolorizeit, phpbb3 styles, styles, svn, templates

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New Sections

New Sections Posted  Fri 14 Aug, 2009 14:21 By Mighty Gorgon
Icy Phoenix
Hi all,
I have created two new sections to keep releases diversified from discussions and developments topics about MODs and Styles.

The new sections are Customizations And MODs Discussions and Templates And Styles Discussions.

These new sections are open for all and can be used for any kind of discussions about those topics. Customizations and Styles releases will be moved to the main Styles and Customizations sections (where only Staff can post new topics).

This new setup should help to keep discussions apart from releases.

For any query do not hesitate to ask in this topic.


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Icy Phoenix

Icy Phoenix Posted  Sat 18 Jul, 2009 09:57 By Mighty Gorgon
Icy Phoenix
Hi all,
here is the third stable release of Icy Phoenix.

What's New Respect To Latest Stable Release

  • CMS Administration recoded with new features (some AJAX) and restyled
  • CMS Blocks and Layouts recoded from scratch to increase flexibility and performance (now block style is in a single file to help designing new styles)
  • CMS Standard Pages now is more flexible... can also handle new pages (even if a little code should be added to those pages to work correctly)
  • Removed the old CMS Pages Permissions section in CMS which has been replaced by the new Standard Pages section
  • New template structure: it is now possible to create brand new templates by just creating a CSS and a CFG file, this will reduce the number of files needed for each template, reducing also the job in case of updates or customizations; not only, you will be able to easily create combinations between different templates without having to duplicate directory structure
  • Common CMS and ACP templates now fully independent from all other templates
  • Common JS and CSS in common folder and possibility to include extra CSS and JS via PHP without editing TPL
  • Some Functions and other common includes splitted among several files to reduce memory charge and increase performance
  • Created new overall vars and switches to increase flexibility and performances (old switches were based upon loops, new ones are based on conditions, which are faster to be processed)
  • English language files grammatically reviewed (thanks Lopalong!) and in some cases updated to the new phpBB 3 format
  • New Junior Admin permission which gives full admin power while in the forum but restricted in ACP and CMS (ACP modules can be assigned via Junior Admin management and CMS permission for CMS management)
  • Brand new Statistics system which integrates new features and replace also old Site History page
  • Bots Parsing now is DB dependent and bots can now have REG access... also you can now add a switch for bots in TPL files to avoid bots spidering something you don't want them to
  • URL Rewrite modified to be more efficient
  • Print Page improved
  • Added Google Search page to be used alternatively the standard search system, this will reduce the charge on your server
  • Colorize username function recoded to reduce looping and cache issues with a large userbase
  • Recoded caching system which in older Icy Phoenix version was proved to fail for high traffic sites: this new way to cache should be more efficient and should reduce CPU charge under stressing condition
  • Birthdays and Calendar should now use less resources than before, again big sites will benefit from this
  • New CRON system which should be easier to be customized and improved... basic functions already added, new features to come with future versions...
  • Created new user related functions to simplify Icy Phoenix integration and coding: user_get_avatar, build_im_link, PM Class, generate_user_info
  • AJAX Sorting in some ACP and CMS pages to speed up things in administrating things
  • New Recent Topics page allowing admins to track latest users activity
  • Forums Sorting capabilities both by adding alphabetical sorts and columns headers links
  • Higher Lang Encoding compatibility
  • Mass PM feature integrated in Mass Email section
  • Brand new Ads and Banners system
  • Mass Email supports now full HTML format for nicely formatted newsletters
  • Smileys Categories section... it is hardcoded to improve performances even with thousands of smileys
  • Step by step DB Backup System similar to MySQLDumper... to avoid nasty timeouts when backing up the site
  • HighSlide JS (http://highslide.com/) integration
  • Event Registration feature has been added
  • Fixed a lot of bugs in IE
  • Many smaller updates and features... install the new version to discover all of them!

Older templates: Please note that the template system has been totally revamped, so templates designed for or below won't work at all with this version. Check the new styles section for templates which already work with this version: Styles.

Translations: Please note that lang packs for won't work with this version. Lang packs need to be updated before you can use them on your site. I will update all lang files in download section as soon as translators will send me their latest release. Currently lang files for Icy Phoenix 1.3 RC 2 should work fine even if not fully up to date. You can find latest development translations here: http://code.assembla.com/icyphoenix_langs/subversion/nodes/trunk

Customizations And Mods: Please note that this version has many core difference from the previous one, so it is really unlikely that old customizations and mods will work with this brand new release. If you have some mods installed and you cannot update them on your own, please be patient until the author or the person who have ported them to Icy Phoenix will find some free time to update them.

  • Requirements
    Spoiler: [ Show ]

  • Fresh Installation
    Spoiler: [ Show ]

  • How To Upgrade From phpBB 2
    Spoiler: [ Show ]

  • How To Upgrade From Old Icy Phoenix Versions
    Spoiler: [ Show ]

  • How To Upgrade From Icy Phoenix Beta OR RC Versions
    Spoiler: [ Show ]

Available Packages

Icy Phoenix
Package Name: Icy Phoenix
Package Version:
Release Spot: Non c'era la legge sul pericolo!

DOWNLOAD: Icy Phoenix ( Mirror 1 ) ( Mirror 2 )


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GIT Links
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SVN Links
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SourceForge Page
Icy Phoenix @ SourceForge

Ohloh Page
Icy Phoenix @ Ohloh


All older versions of Icy Phoenix will not be supported any more, you are invited to upgrade to the latest stable release which adds many improvements to the system and it is more secure.

Please note that if you decide to upgrade your existing site with this version, you may face some problems and you may not be able to recover your datas in case something goes wrong. Make sure you have a full backup before proceeding.

Should you ask for support, please remember that this is an open source community and me and all the Staff are doing all for free and in their spare time... be kind, be patient and respect other users efforts and hard work.

Enjoy Icy Phoenix!
Luca Libralato


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Show Off Of The Month #1

Show Off Of The Month #1 Posted  Wed 15 Jul, 2009 00:42 By Chaotic
Icy Phoenix
We're ready to begin taking nominations for our first Show Off Of The Month contest!

If you know of a website using Icy Phoenix that features outstanding graphical design, nominate that website to be considered for our Show Off Of The Month! The staff will be taking nominations for websites that have a certain graphical genius to them. We will then select the best three nominated websites and vote anonymously on the absolute best!

The winning website will:

  • Receive a special graphic from Icy Phoenix to display on their website showing their website was voted the best!
  • Gain access to the Special Guests group!
  • Have their website featured in our Links section!

As with any contest, there are special rules:

  1. One website nomination per user.
  2. The nominated website must be using Icy Phoenix. Any nominated website found not using Icy Phoenix will be disqualified.
  3. Proper credits must be intact in the website footer. "Powered by Icy Phoenix based on phpBB", "Design By ----".
  4. Winning websites may not enter the contest again. Nominated websites that do not win are allowed to resubmit their site for nomination the following month.
  5. Websites with default, untouched styles from Icy Phoenix should not be nominated. This contest is based on graphical design.
  6. All nominated websites must be using Icy Phoenix version .27c, 1.3.x, or higher. (Starting in September, only versions 1.3 will be allowed to enter the contest.)
  7. Please submit a short description about your website when posting your nomination. The nominated websites will be featured in the Hot or Not section of the website so users are allowed to rate them. (These ratings DO NOT indicate the winner in any shape, form, or fashion.)
  8. When submitting the website to be nominated, you must include six screenshots of the website. The screenshots should feature different parts of the website customizations. The screenshots should be uploaded using our upload form (uploaded directly to Icy Phoenix). All images must be stored on Icy Phoenix using the Upload feature.

TheSteffen created a small graphic for the winner of each contest:


The contest is now officially open, so start nominating! We will allow two full weeks of nothing but nominations. Post your nominations in a separate post in THIS TOPIC. After two weeks, the Staff will review all nominated websites and submit their votes for best graphical design. The winner will be announced after voting!


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Chaotic Is The New Staff Team Leader

Chaotic Is The New Staff Team Leader Posted  Sun 15 Feb, 2009 23:11 By Mighty Gorgon
Icy Phoenix
Hi guys,
as you know Zuker left leading the Staff last week.

Since Gary (Chaotic) is contributing so much to this project I have decided to promote him as the new Staff Team Leader.

He is doing great here, and I'm sure he will also do better in the future.

Good luck my friend, and thank you for your precious contribution to Icy Phoenix.


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Icy Phoenix .COM Is Going To Be Moved

Icy Phoenix .COM Is Going To Be Moved Posted  Mon 09 Feb, 2009 22:42 By Mighty Gorgon
Icy Phoenix
Hi guys,
I would just to let you know that this site will remain closed for at least a couple of days, because I'm moving it to a new server.

After many months of bad performances and also some JS and PHP injections I have decided to shut the current hosting service and buy a dedicated server.

This new solution is costing a lot more... but I hope to definitely solve all performances issues and bad server configuration.

I will try to release a new beta before moving, so you can play with it while this site is closed.

Unfortunately I really need to close the site because I not only need to move files and db, but also I need to switch registrar, and this will cause a service blackout for a small (I hope) amount of time.

I will try to have all things sorted out before this weekend.

Stay tuned.


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Thank You Zuker

Thank You Zuker Posted  Mon 09 Feb, 2009 22:32 By Mighty Gorgon
Icy Phoenix
Hi guys,
I'm really sad to announce that Zuker just asked to be removed from Leading the Staff Team here.

I really want to thank him for all the hard work he did so far for this project, and for the great support service to the community.

Thank you Zuker, I hope to see you here around even if you are not Staff Team Leader anymore.

The Staff Team Leader position will be re-assigned shortly.



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