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Welcome To Icy Phoenix

  • What is Icy Phoenix?
  • Icy Phoenix is a CMS based on phpBB (a fully scalable and highly customisable open-source Bulletin Board package PHP based) plus many modifications and code integrations which add flexibility to the whole package. The official home page for phpBB is www.phpbb.com. Icy Phoenix has some features originally developed for phpBB XS Project which has been founded by Bicet and then developed by both Bicet and Mighty Gorgon. Icy Phoenix has been created by Luca Libralato after he left the phpBB XS Project.

  • What are the main features of Icy Phoenix?
  • Icy Phoenix has many features, most of them are listed in the Features Page and in the Credits Page. The main ones are:
    • phpBB bulletin board and permission system
    • CMS features allowing the creation of new pages and blocks
    • Overall template integration among all site sections
    • Many ready to use features: Photo Gallery, Downloads, Knowledge Base, Links, Chat...
    • Multi-language and multi-template ready
    • Almost 100% XHTML and CSS W3C compliant
    • ...and many others...

  • Is Icy Phoenix supported for bugs, security issues, improvements?
  • Icy Phoenix is an open source project. As like many open source projects it is developed by people using their free time. At the moment there are several persons in the staff willing to help and to contribute to this project. We hope the community will continue to grow and be able to provide all the necessary support to all the users who may need help.

  • Is Icy Phoenix easy to install and upgrade from other platforms?
  • Icy Phoenix has its own setup procedure which guides the user through the steps of the setup process. An upgrading file is provided to upgrade the package from standard phpBB and phpBB XS. Hopefully an upgrade procedure from any other platform will be written in the future: at the moment the only way to upgrade from another platform is by downgrading to phpBB and then run the provided upgrade procedure.

  • Does Icy Phoenix have many templates?
  • Yes, at the moment there are some free templates (some of them with multicolour variations) and we are working to create new ones. If you are interested in new templates you should regularly check the support forum and Styles Section.

  • Is Icy Phoenix multi-language?
  • English is the main language of Icy Phoenix, but it has been translated into other languages (alphabetical order): Arabic, Catalan, Dutch, German, Italian, Spanish... and more to come! If you don't find your language listed here, please ask at the support forum, maybe someone else is working on the translation you need and you would be welcome to join the translation team to give your contribution.

  • Will Icy Phoenix be upgraded to phpBB 3?
  • The matter is quite complex. Even if the starting core was phpBB 2, many phpBB 3 features and core functions have been ported to Icy Phoenix: this means that currently Icy Phoenix is based on a version of phpBB which is an hybrid between phpBB 2 and phpBB 3. The code is highly optimized, it uses cache extensively, you shouldn't miss phpBB 3.

  • May I join the Icy Phoenix Project?
  • Of course. Icy Phoenix is an open source project, and anyone who is willing to give his own contribution on a stable basis may then apply to join the Team.

Before trying to install Icy Phoenix make sure you have the following STRICTLY NEEDED requirements:
  • At least 20 MB of free space in the folder you would like to install the package.
  • Web server with PHP (5 or higher) installed and running (works best on Linux + Apache).
  • MySQL (5 or higher) database with at least 5MB of free space (of course the space needed depends on how big your site will be... 5MB is enough for a basic empty setup).
  • Ability to set CHMOD permissions.

These other requirements (even if not strictly needed) are suggested for optimal performance of Icy Phoenix:
  • Hosting Services with .htaccess capability.
  • Apache Rewrite Mod installed and running.
  • GD Libraries (at least 2.0.28) installed and running.
  • Register Globals set to OFF.

Icy Phoenix Features
Icy Phoenix Documentation

Please refer to the forum for further informations and support requests.


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Open Source CMS And Icy Phoenix

Open Source CMS And Icy Phoenix Posted  Wed 23 Jul, 2008 14:51 By Mighty Gorgon
Icy Phoenix
Hi all,
I'm glad to announce that Icy Phoenix has been added to the reviewed CMS @ OpenSourceCMS.com.

You will find here the link to Icy Phoenix with the details to test the package both as an admin and a user (you should have access to all ACP and CMS features as well).


Thank you all for using Icy Phoenix.



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CustomIcy Posted  Thu 12 Jun, 2008 11:01 By Mighty Gorgon
Hi all.

I have worked a bit on CustomIcy to add some new features.

As you know the aim of CustomIcy is to provide some online tools to customize graphics elements.

The tools already completed are:

Now I'm working on a new tools which is more flexible and powerful which is:
CustomIcy Pictures

With this new tool you are able to upload your own image or graphic element and apply some effects or customizations.

At the moment some settings are not flexible, but I will work on that to allow further customizations.

I know that if you can use Photoshop you don't need this tool... but this is intented for quick and simple editing just for web pictures.

In any case this new tool is in beta testing... and please be aware that this server has really restricted policies about CPU and memory charge... so under certain circumstances you won't be able to see your image... in that case try to disable some effects and reload the page.

Make some tests and let me know.

Luca Libralato


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Welcome HPL

Welcome HPL Posted  Sat 26 Apr, 2008 22:47 By Mighty Gorgon
Hi all,
I'm glad to announce that HPL is now part of the developers team here in Icy Phoenix.

Since he contributed so much to recent developments here @ IP I've decided to let him jump in in Developers group.

Thanks for what you did so far... and remember that now it is time to play harder.

Welcome on board.


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iThemes Themes For IP

iThemes Themes For IP Posted  Sat 26 Apr, 2008 22:37 By Mighty Gorgon
Icy Phoenix
Hi all,
I'm finally glad to announce that we have completed porting of iThemes templates.

I have decided to create a common base for all themes and then use only CSS and images to customize each template... this will ensure an higher compatibility with mg_themes and will make future upgrades really easy.

In the process of porting the themes I have been helped really much by two great guys which I want to thanks.

  • hpl who helped me with the basic CSS structure and porting the first themes.
  • DWho who helped in porting many of the remaining themes.

Since the new themes are 60... it is likely that some minor bugs are still there awaiting...

Please report in this forum any bug you will find.

The installation process is very easy if you follow these instructions...
  • Each theme is composed by two parts: iThemes Root (Nuke) and the theme itself (CSS and IMAGES).
  • To install any theme you need to install iThemes Root (Nuke) that can be found in the downloads section (if you don't install this you won't be able to install any other iThemes theme).
  • After having installed iThemes Root (Nuke) you can then download and install any other theme in that section.
  • Upload all files and go in ACP => STYLES & TEMPLATES => STYLES MANAGEMENT to install the new styles.
  • Enjoy your new themes.

Last but not least, I would like to thank you muratti aka FortKnox aka iThemes aka Fabio for creating such a bunch of themes and letting us porting them.

Should you be interested in his work or maybe just drop in and thank him, please visit his site: http://www.ithemes.eu/

And finally... here is the Downloads link:

iThemes Downloads



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Icy Phoenix ColorizeIt!

Icy Phoenix ColorizeIt! Posted  Sat 15 Mar, 2008 00:26 By Mighty Gorgon
Icy Phoenix

Hi all,
I'm proud to announce a new service for all Icy Phoenix users.

Since I have received some donations in the last months I have decided to invest part of the money to buy a software which will be useful for all users who wants to customize my templates both for Icy Phoenix and phpBB 3.

The software I am talking about (and that you may already know) is ColorizeIt! by CyberAlien.

It's one week that I am working on it to adapt the structure to Icy Phoenix site and templates, and now it is working almost fine so I have decided to open it publicly.

At the moment I have inserted the most common Icy Phoenix templates (some of them slightly modified) so you can start using it and maybe provide some feedbacks. In the future I will add some extra graphics and buttons (as well as translations) and I may consider adding also others Icy Phoenix templates which are suitable to be colorized.

Icy Phoenix templates are accessible only to registered users, while phpBB 3 templates are free.

Here is the link to access this new service:

Icy Phoenix ColorizeIt!

You will find all the basics instructions in that page.

Here are some example of what you can do.

Purple Pearl
Purple Pearl

Chocolate Pearl
Chocolate Pearl

Mars Attack Green Orange
Mars Attack Green Orange

Mars Attack Blue Orange
Mars Attack Blue Orange

You are also invited to show us in this topic your favourite colors combinations:


I want to thank all the users which are contributing to this project in any way: giving support, sharing knowledge, donations, clicking on sponsors, paying for customized works. I have bought and worked on this service to thank you all for your contributions.

THANK YOU and enjoy Icy Phoenix ColorizeIt!

Luca Libralato


Tags And Keywordscolorizeit, styles

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Icy Phoenix

Icy Phoenix Posted  Mon 03 Mar, 2008 23:50 By Mighty Gorgon
Icy Phoenix
Hi all,
after 10 months from the first public release, I'm proud to announce the release of Icy Phoenix 1.2.

Many things have been changed since first release with the main objective to add stability and improve overall performance.

As many of you already know just few months ago phpBB 3 has been released. Icy Phoenix still rely on phpBB 2 core code, even if the code has been improved by backporting some phpBB 3 functions and some new features coded from scratch. The result can be considered an hybrid platform in the middle between the "furious brand new" phpBB 3 and the "old but still good" phpBB 2. I think that Icy Phoenix code is now mature and the platform may be considered stable, but as you know I'm not a professional and even if I put in this project all my best efforts Icy Phoenix is far to be perfect. Overall I can say that the main goal has been reached: Icy Phoenix is a CMS which offers many features integrated, a friendly interface, and it is suitable for small/medium web communities which are looking for an integrated system to manage their contents.

What's New respect to Icy Phoenix

  • CMS features: now it is possible to assign blocks on single pages, not only as global blocks, but as specific blocks. It is possible also to duplicate blocks from others layout.
  • Groups system: the old color group mod has been dropped and a new system has been recoded to make groups management close to phpBB 3 way.
  • ACP: I've recoded ACP section related to Icy Phoenix with an easiest to use modular panel. Now it is really easy to add switches and new items in ACP, without having to modify TPLs. Some old files have been deleted and new ones have been created. Make sure to clean your old ADM folder if you are installing this.
  • Save as draft: it is now possible to save posts and PM as drafts. The function is similar to phpBB 3 one, but much more simpler and with less features.
  • Caching images: all images are now sent in cache, even external ones. A direct link is then included in the post for saving CPU charge (despite of more disk usage). This will speed up Icy Phoenix a bit, especially for those servers that don't like getimagesize PHP function. Only dynamic images won't be cached.
  • New Downloads System: since I need this pack for an extra work, I've decided to integrate it in Icy Phoenix so you can use it in conjunction or alternatively to PA File DB. There is no link for this, but you can choose in constants.php where download link should point to. This feature it is still under test, and currently it is configured to not use any extra SQL charge to the package. (Because I've disabled features who where SQL consuming for Icy Phoenix).
  • Friends List: this is a light version of the Friends and Foes feature in phpBB3. The objective of this feature is to easily access your friends profile and allow them to be the only people allowed to send you PM (there is an extra switch in your profile).
  • Pages sessions: phpBB 3 has a much more flexible pages sessioning system, allowing better tracking of what users do. In Icy Phoenix I have partially replicated it, by modifying the way sessions work.
  • Actions logs: I have coded a small and simple logging system which stores on files all the actions performed by users which alter in some way the DB. The logs are difficult to read, so it is disabled by default and the switch to enable it is hidden. If someone is interested in I may show how to enable it... but I won't help in reading it, because it is tough for who doesn't know PHP, and how requests are made.
  • Extra stuff not enabled by default and not supported: since many of you requested integration of Cash and Activity, I have decided to integrate this in Icy Phoenix, and I will continue to keep them updated as the release is going on... but no support will be given with these extra features.
  • Templates: some small adjustments have been applied to the templating system to make it a bit more flexible and some new templates designed by me will be available with this release.
  • Extra BBCodes: there are now extra BBCodes you can use to format your posts... as soon as I have the time I will include some demos. Plus there is now a random number generator.
  • Extra debugging: phpBB 3 has a cool debugging feature which tells you the queries of each page and the time used for them. I've tried to enhance this feature a bit including some extra info and memory usage. This will be tremendously helpful for those webmasters who wants to understand the entity of Icy Phoenix charge and settings. Extra info about the usage of this feature, will follow.
  • Small fixes, improvements and adjustments: several small fixes, improvements and adjustments have been applied to the package. I don't have a full list of them, but you will notice some changes somewhere... I hope you will appreciate all new thingst. Just some of them: resend registration, remove cookies, album rss, new thumbnails functions, possibility to disable cache for some images (cache=false), ability to sort recent and search by forum... and others.
  • Security fixes: unfortunately I've found during the dev phase some extra security holes... maybe some others are still there, I will try to do my best to assure an higher level of security and quick updates just in case other security issues will arise in the future.

Older templates: Please note that templates designed for won't work fine with this version. All older styles have to be updated before using them. I will try to show template creators the way the may follow to upgrade their templates.

Translations: Please note that lang packs for won't work with this version. Lang packs need to be updated before you can use them on your site. Especially the ACP modules requires one brand new file (even if most of lang vars may be imported from old lang files). Some old files have been deleted to limit the number of includes and speed up things a bit.

Older files: Please note that this version has some brand new files and some old files have been deleted. This means that if you are going to use this release you have to clean up your files from old unused stuffs which may create problems if you don't. I have created a file to help you in this, it is called clean_old_files_ip.php and its purpose is to remove old unused files (this file may not run correctly on some servers configurations).

Let's summarize for those who are going to upgrade from older versions:
  1. Make a full backup (both db and files).
  2. Lock your Icy Phoenix from ACP.
  3. Upload and run update_to_ip.php chosing the best option for your current configuration.
  4. Upload all files making sure you are not overwriting your CONFIG.PHP and other core files like DEF_*.
  5. If you are not using English or Italian make sure there is a lang pack available for this release, otherwise your site won't work properly.
  6. Upload and run clean_old_files_ip.php.
  7. Remove update_to_ip.php and clean_old_files_ip.php from your root.
  8. Go to YOUR_IP_ROOT/adm/erc.php and empty the cache of your site.
  9. Check that your site is working fine and then unlock it.
  10. Enjoy your brand new Icy Phoenix!!!

Installation And Upgrade

As usual, no code changes will be released, and won't probably be released for any version in the future. This is because the package is quite huge and writing code changes requires much time: as I already said in the past, I prefer to focus my free time on developing the package instead of writing huge code changes that could be difficult to be applied. Trust me, in most cases it is quicker to replace old files with new ones and reapply eventually added mods (you should take note of the mods you have applied). My efforts will be dedicated to the upgrade procedures to allow you to upgrade your sites with the smallest unexpected issues. Please consider also that due to some core changes almost all files have been modified since first Icy Phoenix version.

In install folder now you have some extra files you may use to convert your board, delete old files, fix db tables...
  • install.php: this is for brand new installations.
  • update_to_ip.php: this is for upgrading from phpBB or any XS or Icy Phoenix versions.
  • clean_tables_ip.php: if you want to clean up your tables, resetting them to the default Icy Phoenix ones, you can use this files. This file is meant for standard Icy Phoenix, not for modded versions. This file may be used even when upgrading from other platform: phpBB Plus, IntegraMOD, FullyModded... etc. Please note that this action cannot be undone, make sure you have a full db backup before proceding.
  • clean_old_files_ip.php: this files will delete all unused files from previous installations of Icy Phoenix. Please note that this action cannot be undone, make sure you have a full backup of all files before proceding. (This file may not run correctly on some servers configurations)

Available Packages

The release package includes only the basic package with two skins and English language. Extra languages, templates and features are (or will be) available in Download section. The package is quite big because there are many files and images in it.

Icy Phoenix
Package Name: Icy Phoenix
Package Version:
Release Spot: Buon Compleanno Mamma!

DOWNLOAD: Icy Phoenix

Special Thanks

I'll be short... but it doesn't mean that only few people have to be thanked... on the contrary there are so many people who helped me so far which I could not even remember all their names. So I would like to thank all the people involved directly or indirectly in this project especially the Staff of this site.

Thank you!

A special thank goes to my family, and especially to my mother: it is her birthday today and I would like to dedicate this release to her. Happy Birthday Mamma!


Should you ask for support, please remember that this is an open source community and me and all the Staff are doing all for free and in their spare time... be kind, be patient and respect other users efforts and hard work.

Enjoy Icy Phoenix!
Luca Libralato


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Instant Gallery

Instant Gallery Posted  Sun 25 Nov, 2007 13:31 By Mighty Gorgon
PHP Scripts
Instant Gallery
Package Name: Instant Gallery
Package Version: 1.0.3
PHP Author: Mighty Gorgon
PHP Support: this topic/section.
Flash Author: FlepStudio
Flash Support: FlepStudio Elastic Gallery Support
Flash Source Download: Elastic Gallery

Demo: Instant Gallery Demo
Demo Slideshow: Instant Gallery Slideshow Demo

DOWNLOAD: Instant Gallery 1.0.3

Icy Phoenix - Instant Gallery is a really easy to use gallery. It has been designed to create and show thumbnails of images in one folder and provide a nice flash slideshow (coded by FlepStudio). All you have to do is copying all the files in the package into one images folder and then run index.php. All images will be thumbnailed and a cool slideshow will be created ready to use. You need just a folder with some images and the script will do anything else. Really powerful and easy to use.

  • Apache with PHP 4.X or higher
  • Direct access to the server for uploading files
  • GD Library 2.0.8 or higher
  • Possibility to assign 0777 CHMOD permissions (or any other writing permission to this PHP script and the destination folders)
  • Some free spaces for thumbnails generations

  • Upload all the files from the root folder into your images folder
  • CHMOD 0777 your images folder (and the thumbs folder as well if you decide to create different folders for thumbs)
  • Launch index.php from your browser and all thumbnails will be generated automatically (SMALL for slideshow, MEDIUM for web gallery, LARGE for slideshow) (smart sizes of thumbnails)
  • An XML file will be generated for slideshow using Elastic Gallery by FlepStudio
  • Click on Slideshow for Elastic Gallery Slideshow

Known issues:
  • Some hosting doesn't allow to use many CPU charge on GD functions, so if you are having problems with this script, tro to use it on smaller images.

  • If you see only the link of images and not the thumbnails, you may not have the correct permissions set on your folders. Make sure that the folders where thumbnails are going to be stored are writable (CHMOD 777 on some servers) and that the folder were is stored index.php is writable as well (this is needed because XML file for slideshow has to be written).
  • If slideshow images stretches it is likely to be related to thumbnails settings on your index.php. Try to review your configuration.

  • Some settings are customizable by editing the first lines in index.php (you can change for example some thumbnails size or the path where thumbnails
    are stored... and more!)
  • All styles settings are in the CSS, feel free to customize it as you wish
  • For any help reagarding PHP please visit: http://www.icyphoenix.com
  • For any help reagarding FLASH please visit: http://www.flepstudio.org

  • This gallery has been optimized for JPG and PNG. GIF images will be shown as well, but in thumbs and slideshow they will lose the animation due to GD2 and FLASH compatibility.
  • Thumbnails generation will require heavy CPU load. Avoid to use this script in folders with more than 30 images. Alternatively you may load a certain number of images into your folder, run the script, and then load more images.
  • Slideshow works best with no more of 450px height large thumbs (used for images in slideshow).
  • Small thumbnails for slideshow needs to be forced to the size they are or they won't fit the small frame in the slideshow.

Script History:
  • 2012/09/15 - Version 1.0.3
    • Converted ereg_replace to preg_replace

  • 2007/11/25 - Version 1.0.2
    • Fixed permissions issue

  • 2007/11/25 - Version 1.0.1
    • Integrated Slideshow

  • 2007/11/24 - Version 1.0.0
    • First release


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Free PHP Scripts - Rules

Free PHP Scripts - Rules Posted  Sat 24 Nov, 2007 12:55 By Mighty Gorgon
PHP Scripts
Welcome to this brand new section.

I've decided to open this new forum to offer for free some small applets I usually code in my free time.

I will offer small and stand alone PHP scripts which may be useful for your own sites.

Of course all of you are allowed to share your scripts in this section and ask for support (limited to my free time... and remember that everything is free here!). You may also make some small and limited requests.

The only requirements to post scripts here is that all jobs have to be subject to this license:

GNU Public License

All my scripts here in this section are subject to GNU Public License

I hope you will enjoy this new forum, and you will share your knowledge as well.

Luca Libralato


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