Icy Phoenix



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jQuery Integration 

Hi all,
as many of you already know I am trying to integrate jQuery in CMS to make some sections more user friendly and speed up page creations.

Unfortunately in the middle of the development I had some issues with my "real" job, so I could not spend too much time on this task.

This means that I cannot continue with this integration until something changes and it won't happen anytime soon. I'm very sad to announce that, because I worked very hard to improve Icy Phoenix and the whole package is quite ready to be released. I just miss this CMS part and the install/update procedure (plus a couple of minor features which could be delayed).

I'm writing this announcement to ask if someone in this community is willing to help in coding this part (I will give precise directives) or if you know someone who is able (and is willing) to code jQuery.

Please contact me via PM and I will be happy to discuss the details.

Skills requested:
  • Ability to understand and write PHP code (I will help with this)
  • Good HTML and CSS knowledge
  • Advanced JavaScript and jQuery knowledge

Thank you very much in advance to those who will apply.


 Mighty Gorgon [ Sun 14 Nov, 2010 09:08 ] Reply to this News Item Print this Topic E-Mail this Topic  

Icy Phoenix - Patch 

Hi all,
here is the second patch of Icy Phoenix which will upgrade your version to

The purpose of this patch is mainly to fix an XSS vulnerability kindly reported by Saif El-Sherei and also to fix a couple of bugs reported by users on CMS and KB.

How to install this patch:
  1. Make a full backup, both files and DB
  2. Download the patch from the link below
  3. Extract the package on your hard disk
  4. Copy the install folder in the root of your website
  5. Launch install/database_update.php
  6. Upload all files into your website by replacing old ones (please note that you may have customized some files like constants.php or lang_main_settings.php, and you may want to update them before uploading)
  7. Enjoy your updated website!

There are two different downloads, one with only changed files since version (first link below) and one with changed files since version (second link below).

Not Authorized
You are not authorized to download this file

Not Authorized
You are not authorized to download this file

Should you experience any kind of error, please report in the support forum.


 Mighty Gorgon [ Thu 24 Feb, 2011 12:02 ] Reply to this News Item Print this Topic E-Mail this Topic  

Icy Phoenix Beta 1 

Hi all,
after some months of development I have decided to release a new beta to test the new features included in Icy Phoenix.

As I promised, no new "external" mods have been installed (only a couple of already included have been updated), only new things coded by me and some interesting phpBB 3 features are to be considered in the "what's new". Here is a small list...

What's New

  • Groups system: the old color group mod has been dropped and a new system has been recoded to make groups management close to phpBB 3 way.
  • CMS features: now it is possible to assign blocks on single pages, not only as global blocks, but as specific blocks.
  • Save as draft: it is now possible to save posts and PM as drafts. The function is similar to phpBB 3 one, but much more simpler and with less features.
  • Pages sessions: phpBB 3 has a much more flexible pages sessioning system, allowing better tracking of what users do. In Icy Phoenix I have partially replicated it, by modifying the way sessions work.
  • Actions logs: I have coded a small and simple logging system which stores on files all the actions performed by users which alter in some way the DB. The logs are difficult to read, so it is disabled by default and the switch to enable it is hidden. If someone is interested in I may show how to enable it... but I won't help in reading it, because it is tough for who doesn't know PHP, and how requests are made.
  • Extra stuff not enabled by default and not supported: since many of you requested integration of Cash and Activity, I have decided to integrate this in Icy Phoenix, and I will continue to keep them updated as the release is going on... but no support will be given with these extra features.
  • Templates: some small adjustments have been applied to the templating system to make it a bit more flexible and some new templates designed by me will be available with this release.
  • Extra debugging: phpBB 3 has a cool debugging feature which tells you the queries of each page and the time used for them. I've tried to enhance this feature a bit including some extra info and memory usage. This will be tremendously helpful for those webmasters who wants to understand the entity of Icy Phoenix charge and settings. Extra info about the usage of this feature, will follow.
  • Small fixes and adjustments: several small fixes and adjustments have been applied to the package. I don't have a full list of them, but you will notice some changes somewhere... I hope you will appreciate it. Just some of them: resend registration, remove cookies, album rss, new thumbnails functions.
  • Security fixes: unfortunately I've found during the dev phase some extra security holes which I have fixed the most risky in the available patch for 15b, but two of them which I was unsure, have been recoded differently to minimize infection risk.


Regarding the support for beta, I'll quote phpBB beta release statement:
Acyd Burn wrote: 
During the beta phase a minimal level of support will be given. We will provide answers to general setup questions, configuration problems and support for determining common problems mostly related to bugs. We will not support modifications, custom code/style additions or any users using the beta packages within a live environment.

For some support questions or bug reports we may ask you to re-install the beta, clean tables in the database, purge data or other actions which are not advised to do in a live environment. So please be aware that you are still on your own if you run the beta in such an environment.

Beginning with the release candidates full support will be given.

As usual, no code changes will be released, and won't probably be released for any version in the future. This is because the package is quite huge and writing code changes requires much time: as I already said in the past, I prefer to focus my free time on developing the package instead of writing huge code changes that could be difficult to be applied. Trust me, in most cases it is quicker to replace old files with new ones and reapply eventually added mods (you should take note of the mods you have applied). My efforts will be dedicated to the upgrade procedures to allow you to upgrade your sites with the smallest unexpected issues.

Anyway for final release, I'll try to provide a changed files package and a small template changes guide... or at least a list with the changed files for those who have modded their site or released templates. I'll try to give translators a list of changed files as well.

Lang changes provided by brandsrus

Spoiler: [ Show ]

Available Packages

Since this is a beta package, I prefer to release an all in one package which includes in several folders all the extras and templates. I know that this means having a bigger file, but I don't want users trying to install extras in the latest stable release, because with high probability modifications for Icy Phoenix won't work in newer releases, because of the new modifications I made to the core files.

Currently available is only a single big pack.

Icy Phoenix Beta 1
Package Name: Icy Phoenix
Package Version: Beta 1
Release Spot: str_replace('24 hours per day', '48 hours per day', $my_life).

DOWNLOAD: Icy Phoenix Beta 1

Should you ask for support, please remember that this is an open source community and me and all the Staff are doing all for free and in their spare time... be kind, be patient and respect other users efforts and hard work.

Enjoy Icy Phoenix!
Luca Libralato

 Mighty Gorgon [ Thu 20 Sep, 2007 01:04 ] Reply to this News Item Print this Topic E-Mail this Topic  

Icy Phoenix Beta 

Hi all,
here is the second beta release of Icy Phoenix.

Click here to have some general info about Icy Phoenix.
Click here for some extra info about the beta testing phase.

Since latest beta many bugs have been fixed thanks to your contribution. Unfortunately, due to lack of time I didn't keep track of all the changes, because when I have free time I prefer to code instead of writing docs which are not so important after all.

This package includes also some new features and some improvements on the CMS system which will be the core of Icy Phoenix.

Some new implementations...
  • BBCodes and smileys boxes reorganized for easy and better integration among all the site (now all editing windows should have the same layout).
  • Some CMS blocks have been improved and now most of the blocks work fine even if included multiple times.
  • CMS section improved to facilitate user access and understanding on how the CMS works.
  • Some mods and functions updated for security reasons and code optimizations.
  • Page Header rewritten from scratch and code optimized: now page loading should be faster.
  • Some extra switches added in ACP.

What needs to be completed is:
  • CMS permission level
  • Dynamic menu (possibility to create menu and menu items in the CMS section)
  • Ice Template

As usual... Even if this package is quite stable I would suggest you to install it on live environments only if you are quite good PHP and phpBB. During the beta testing period only a limited support (focused exclusively on fixing bugs) will be given on Icy Phoenix. If you are trying to upgrade your existing sites to this release you should consider that the final release may not contain upgrading instructions from this beta. Remember also that the old upgrading instructions won't work fine because the structure of the package has been changed... You have been warned...

Thank you for your cooperation and a big thank you to the whole Staff.

Icy Phoenix Beta Release
Package Name: Icy Phoenix
Package Version: Beta
Release Spot: Hydrogen the next step...

DOWNLOAD: Icy Phoenix Beta

EDIT 2007/03/08 00.45 CET

Added some small modifications and fixes:
  • Fixed album auth
  • Fixed KB images in ACP
  • Rewritten BOTS parsing function (should be optimized for quick parsing and BOT are parsed only once on index)
  • Added a couple of functions to improve code modularity
  • Fixed some small issues with calendar
  • Removed URL rewriting for portal news
  • Other small fixes


 Description:  IP 1099 Updates
 Filename:  ip_20070307_1099_updates.zip
 Filesize:  328.09 KB
 Downloaded:  6059 Time(s)
 Mighty Gorgon [ Sun 04 Mar, 2007 11:47 ] Reply to this News Item Print this Topic E-Mail this Topic  

Posting Images On This Site 

Hi all.

Since I have unlimited space here, I strongly prefer that any image which should be posted on this site, is posted in the personal gallery and then linked in the post using the tag ALBUMIMG or ALBUMIMG MODE=FULL.

This will speed up posts loading, we can be sure that the image won't be erased, we will prevent posts stretching... and most important... I prefer this way!

Another point is that PostImage images are slowly loaded sometimes.

Thank you very much for your cooperation.

EDIT: 2007/02/28
You may have noticed that on this site there is a new feature while posting: UPLOAD IMAGE!

Thanks to difus who helped me to develop this cool feature now you should be able to upload images while posting.

Please, use either this feature or the album to post images on this site.

Thank you very much for your cooperation.

 Mighty Gorgon [ Tue 15 Aug, 2006 04:19 ] Reply to this News Item Print this Topic E-Mail this Topic  

