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News And Announcements - phpBB XS Build 058

Mighty Gorgon [ Fri 18 Aug, 2006 16:13 ]
Post subject: phpBB XS Build 058
Hi all,
here is the latest release of phpBB XS: Build 058 (F'N'F).

This release may be considered as a consolidation release: only few new features have been added, most of the work have been focused on fixing bugs and templates issues. Quite all the new changes in this release may be found in the CHANGELOG, even if the list is not complete. This is the first release in which Bicet didn't code anything, because he is really busy and under pressure ... but of course the "spirit" of Bicet is everywhere in XS and I hope he will manage to solve his problems and will be able to come back soon coding and supporting this wonderful project that he started more than one year ago. I speak with Bicet regularly, at least twice a week... he is fine and he is terrible sorry for all problems and for being absent during this period. This release is obviously a tribute to him, for all the hard work he did in the past for XS and for all that he will be able to do in the future for this great project. I have to thank him for having involved me in this project... and for being a great friend too. Bicet, we all hope to see you back soon.

Even if Bicet was not present during the development of this release, I have been helped from all Staff members in testing and implementing things. A big thanks to all the Staff members who have demonstrated to be really serious persons... especially I would like to thank ThE KuKa and Tom for being great contributors to this project, and for helping me in the administration of this site. You can find all the main contributors to this project at the bottom of this post... or using the XS BBCode tag.

Of course I've forgotten to thank someone... please, take no offence if your name is not here... I've been really busy in these days stress testing XS for being sure to have a quite stable release.

It's the first time I'm providing even a file changes (from Build 049) for updating this release... I've decided to release a file changes because many of you asked for it... but as you will notice almost all core files have been changed, so there is no big benefit... anyway, now you have it, and you can choose the best installation method that will suit your needs.

Another little message before leaving you to this release: tomorrow I will leave for my vacations... I'll be off until next sunday (27th)... so please... if you have any kind of problem you can refer to all the Staff members.

phpBB XS Build 058
Version: Build 058
Release Spot: Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase.
Release Codename: Miss C
Download URL:
How To Install:
How To Upgrade:

We won't ever provide CODE CHANGES for phpBB XS, mainly for three reasons:
  • phpBB XS is still under development, and CODE CHANGES could be hundreds of lines of code... so, writing a full CODE CHANGES is time consuming.
  • phpBB XS is heavily premodded, so installing new mods may be really tough if you're not confident with PHP and phpBB systems.
  • Because of the two previous, installing a complex CODE CHANGES could be more dangerous than install again some little modifications you may have applied.

I'm sure that the easy way for you is replacing all XS files with the new ones, and eventually reapply some mods you have installed on previous XS version.

I hope you can understand our point of view... acting in this way, we will keep XS very flexible: writing big CODE CHANGES delays release, and most important can sometime retain us to apply some modifications (because of the complexity of writing some CODE CHANGES).


Upgrading your current XS is really easy... you can follow standard instructions:
Spoiler: [ Show ]

We will try to do our best to help you in the upgrading process if you encounter any kind of problems.

Please, use appropriate forums for asking support.

Enjoy XS!

phpBB XS Staff

zankyw [ Fri 18 Aug, 2006 16:21 ]
Post subject: Re: PhpBB XS Build 058
Wey fantastic! I'll install the new XS this night

Thanks to all the XS team for your work

Mitch [ Fri 18 Aug, 2006 16:38 ]
Post subject: Respuesta: PhpBB XS Build 058
thanks for this new version

good work

ThE KuKa [ Fri 18 Aug, 2006 17:00 ]
Post subject: Respuesta: phpBB XS Build 058
Thanks to Release MG

Tom [ Fri 18 Aug, 2006 17:09 ]
Post subject: Re: phpBB XS Build 058
Hey all!
Say Hello to the best XS release so far!

...and hope that there will be only one bugfix

dinoyoco [ Fri 18 Aug, 2006 18:40 ]
Post subject: Respuesta: PhpBB XS Build 058
Dowloading... !!

Good work!!

ganesh [ Fri 18 Aug, 2006 19:18 ]
Post subject: Re: PhpBB XS Build 058
Upgrading... NOW!!!

Greets and good vacations...

difus [ Fri 18 Aug, 2006 19:26 ]
Post subject: Re: PhpBB XS Build 058
As Tom said

Hello to the best XS release !

Eradicator [ Fri 18 Aug, 2006 23:56 ]
Post subject: Re: PhpBB XS Build 058
I installed v058 on a 049 version with this method because I like as fresh as possible installations:
  1. Renamed old xs folder
  2. Uploaded v058 in the root/xs folder
  3. done a backup of the db (db2)
  4. created another empty db (named db3)
  5. installed v058 with db=db3 and in the installation windows i set Administrator username to "Admin"
  6. everything well
  7. Applied the db upgrade query xs/install/schemas/db_update_048_058.sql without the first SQL command
    #-- DB CHANGES FROM 047 to 048
    INSERT INTO phpbb_config VALUES ('search_min_chars', '3');
  8. Now I changed the config.php to connect not to db3 (as installation parameter) but to connect to db2 (db user from v049)

Now it's everything well but there i a problem:
in my database, phpbb_users.user_id=2 was a member of the "Staff" group.
The problem is that old and new post and topic of user_id=2 appears as done by "Admin" and not by the nickname of the real "owner" of user_id=2.
The color of the user appears red (color of admin group) instead of pink (color of staff group)
If I click on the user profile's link /xs/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=2 in the upper left stripe I read the correct username, not the strange "Admin" username.
If i check the phpbb_users table the username for the user_id=2 is the true username, not "Admin".
To log with user_id=2 account I have to use the real username and the real passoword of old, real user_id=2.
When logged, this fake admin user cannot see the link to ACP.

I think that somewhere there is a setting that overrides phpbb_users for user_id=2 name.
Another thing I noticed is that in a fresh db, the Admin user specified during the installation page takes user_id=2.

Please, help me!

Mighty Gorgon [ Sat 19 Aug, 2006 00:35 ]
Post subject: Re: phpBB XS Build 058
Eradicator, you should follow the suggested procedure to update your board... what you did is not correct.

Anyway, the username ADMIN is changed by the install script when installation ends.

Miguel [ Sat 19 Aug, 2006 00:38 ]
Post subject: Respuesta: PhpBB XS Build 058

Mighty Gorgon [ Sat 19 Aug, 2006 01:00 ]
Post subject: Re: phpBB XS Build 058
Eradicator, another little note to your post... this is an announcement... not a topic for support...

If you need help, please use appropriate forum, do not spam other topics with Off Topic. And remember to read carefully installation instructions before deciding to upgrade your board.

Eradicator [ Sat 19 Aug, 2006 01:21 ]
Post subject: Re: PhpBB XS Build 058
Your're right. Sorry!

Mighty Gorgon [ Sat 19 Aug, 2006 01:25 ]
Post subject: Re: phpBB XS Build 058
Eradicator wrote: [View Post]
Your're right. Sorry!

No problem for now... but pay more attention in the future... I'll be off, and the Staff is really busy... Try to HELP US IN HELPING YOU!

This will be my new SPOT...

Bicet [ Sat 19 Aug, 2006 09:25 ]
Post subject: Re: phpBB XS Build 058
Good Work guys

My first post here

ThE KuKa [ Sat 19 Aug, 2006 09:51 ]
Post subject: Respuesta: phpBB XS Build 058
Welcomo to Home Bicet

Bicet [ Sat 19 Aug, 2006 09:53 ]
Post subject: Re: phpBB XS Build 058
Thnx the Kuka

Mighty Gorgon [ Sat 19 Aug, 2006 11:14 ]
Post subject: Re: phpBB XS Build 058
Glad to see you here my friend...

I hope you will stay for some days... and I hope you can feel at home here!

napukjon [ Sat 19 Aug, 2006 12:10 ]
Post subject: Re: PhpBB XS Build 058
Upgraded Successfully!

ganesh [ Sat 19 Aug, 2006 12:40 ]
Post subject: Re: PhpBB XS Build 058
Hello Bicet, nice to see you!

casimedicos [ Sat 19 Aug, 2006 13:26 ]
Post subject: Re: PhpBB XS Build 058
hi to all, great work!

jz [ Sun 20 Aug, 2006 17:23 ]
Post subject: Re: PhpBB XS Build 058
Finalmente Ragazzi

i am very happy to see a new site for phpbbXS as it is the best

all the best

Cristina [ Wed 23 Aug, 2006 09:28 ]
Post subject: Re: PhpBB XS Build 058
MG (and all the class isn't water

Brilliance job!!!
Very good!

Kangura [ Wed 23 Aug, 2006 15:28 ]
Post subject: Re: PhpBB XS Build 058
MG and team,

Thankyou for all your hard work in providing yet another great release.
My compliments to you all.


Mighty Gorgon [ Sun 27 Aug, 2006 03:28 ]
Post subject: Re: phpBB XS Build 058
A big thank you to all of you...

Nice to see here most of the old users.

Anbu Dragon [ Fri 08 Sep, 2006 03:25 ]
Post subject: Re: PhpBB XS Build 058
Cool PHPBB Forum.

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