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News And Announcements - Icy Phoenix CMS

Mighty Gorgon [ Wed 15 May, 2013 21:46 ]
Post subject: Icy Phoenix CMS
Hi all,
I just wanted to mention that I started a new repository for a new project: Icy Phoenix CMS (only CMS).

Currently it's very basic, because only CMS works, I need to integrate configuration panel and profile page at least...

But hey... it's a start!

You can find the new project here:

Icy Phoenix CMS

I may change its name in the future...

The goal of this package is to have a small CMS to create websites without any specific feature. Special features will be added through Plugins (hopefully I will convert existing Icy Phoenix plugins). I think the first plugins will be dedicated to photgraphy, since I'm going to recode my personal photographic website.

If someone wants to help, you are more than welcome. Code will be much less than Icy Phoenix, so I think it would be easier for new user to join and help coding. At the moment I also need help in cleaning up the package from some old code (Icy Phoenix left over). Feel free to contact me privately if you want to help.

Hopefully I will also add a wish list here, so everyone can contribute with ideas on the new development.

I'm waiting for your feedback (be kind!).

Limun [ Thu 16 May, 2013 06:30 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix CMS
First thing i want to say that is good idea what you start only cms .

You shoud change name on start , i think its gona be confusing with same name to people . (Maybe to Hoopla or Luca's Cms or GetIt)

You are so busy, is this mean that you will have less time for 'real' IcyPhoenix ?

And about contributing and suggestions my answer is yes (of the limit of my knowledge)

Joshua203 [ Fri 17 May, 2013 13:17 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix CMS
Why not call something like Libra (or Libre) (simple) CMS

Sorry I'm not joining in tests but you know the reasons

Limun [ Fri 17 May, 2013 14:13 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix CMS
Joshua203 wrote: [View Post]
Why not call something like Libra (or Libre) (simple) CMS

Sorry I'm not joining in tests but you know the reasons

Its not bad at all
'Libra CMS' i like it
similar to Librato

portalpez [ Fri 17 May, 2013 14:50 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix CMS
Thanks you for the new project!!!

Joshua203 [ Fri 17 May, 2013 16:43 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix CMS
Limun wrote: [View Post]
Its not bad at all
'Libra CMS' i like it
similar to Librato

Right and Libra as link to the Italian origin And meaning something close to "freedom" (free to do what you like)

Mighty Gorgon [ Thu 13 Jun, 2013 01:43 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix CMS
I'll think about the name... thanks for the suggestions.

I'm still trying to figure out many things before getting back coding the features.

Currently I'm busy coding for another project, so it may take a while before I resume coding on the CMS.

Trace [ Tue 02 Jul, 2013 20:06 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix CMS
Hmm... Maybe Fire Phoenix? I don't know if it's a good idea to do so. You won't have so much time to two Open Source projects + your site + your personal life. I am not you, so I shouldn't write so, I don't know you. But you aren't a robot, yes?

Mighty Gorgon [ Fri 19 Jul, 2013 09:45 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix CMS
Trace wrote: [View Post]
Hmm... Maybe Fire Phoenix? I don't know if it's a good idea to do so. You won't have so much time to two Open Source projects + your site + your personal life. I am not you, so I shouldn't write so, I don't know you. But you aren't a robot, yes?

Unfortunately you are right about this... in fact I'm considering to put this on stand by for now.

Informpro [ Wed 24 Jul, 2013 00:56 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix CMS
It's already "on stand by", isn't it?

Fer 10 [ Wed 31 Jul, 2013 22:35 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix CMS
Is this you could use such as Mod for phpbb2 as Icy Phoenix version?

Mighty Gorgon [ Sat 10 Aug, 2013 18:58 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix CMS
Informpro wrote: [View Post]
It's already "on stand by", isn't it?

Current version is working... but there is no "PROFILE", so you can't create or edit new users. If you want to create such functions you are welcome.

For now it's enough for my needs... with WordPress out there, I don't thing there will be a lot of interest on this.

Fer 10 wrote: [View Post]
Is this you could use such as Mod for phpbb2 as Icy Phoenix version?

It's stand alone right now... but it could be integrated with other platforms like phpBB 3 or WP. At the moment the project is on stand by.

Informpro [ Sat 10 Aug, 2013 20:48 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix CMS
If you want to create such functions you are welcome.
I'm only really interested in Icy Phoenix ;).

Mighty Gorgon [ Sun 11 Aug, 2013 10:10 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix CMS
Informpro wrote: [View Post]
I'm only really interested in Icy Phoenix ;).

Fer 10 [ Wed 21 Aug, 2013 01:48 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix CMS
But I can replace Icy Phoenix files of the previous version and update the database for features in version 1.3?

Mighty Gorgon [ Wed 21 Aug, 2013 12:41 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix CMS
What do you mean?

This project was intended for a CMS only... no forum and any other feature.

Fer 10 [ Thu 19 Sep, 2013 22:45 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix CMS
I was saying to update the CMS website for this release ... work but not if it proves to work best

leroymcqy [ Thu 13 Feb, 2014 01:57 ]
Post subject: Re: Icy Phoenix CMS
its a nice feature but i can't change any settings for the system. acp doesn't work says error 404. and it didn't come with a back end to it.

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