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Old Customizations - MOD Linkback For Viewtopic

FedericoBiccheddu [ Sun 21 Dec, 2008 21:36 ]
Post subject: MOD Linkback For Viewtopic
I make excuses myself anticipatamente in order to have open an other argument but it is to various 90% from the old MOD

Here a modification in order to modernize to your IP version 1.2.x.

Is a enough large UPDATE of the MOD Linkback.

Naturally fairies the backup of the rows before modifying

We begin:

Code: [Hide] [Select]

Code: [Hide] [Select]
$topic_url_enc = urlencode(utf8_decode(create_server_url() . VIEWTOPIC_MG . '?' . $forum_id_append . '&' . $topic_id_append . ($kb_mode ? ('&' . $kb_mode_append) : '')));

Code: [Hide] [Select]
// START Linkback on viewtopic.php || By J.C. Design ||
if ( ($board_config['url_rw'] == '1') || ( ($board_config['url_rw_guests'] == '1') && ($userdata['user_id'] == ANONYMOUS) ) )
$linkback = $topic_title . '-vt' . $topic_id;
$con_accento = array("à","è","é","ì","ò","ù");
$senza_accento = array("a","e","e","i","o","u");
$linkback = str_replace($con_accento,$senza_accento,$linkback);
$linkback = html_entity_decode($linkback);
$linkback = str_replace("'","'",$linkback);
$linkback = preg_replace("#[^a-zA-Z0-9-_ ]#","",$linkback);
$linkback = str_replace(" ","-",$linkback);
$linkback = str_replace("___","-",$linkback);
$linkback = str_replace("__","-",$linkback);
$linkback = str_replace("--","-",$linkback);
$linkback = str_replace("_-_","-",$linkback);
$linkback = str_replace("\", "-", $linkback);
$linkback = strtolower($linkback).'.html';
$linkback = append_sid(VIEWTOPIC_MG . '?' . $topic_id_append . '');
// END Linkback on viewtopic.php || By J.C. Design ||

Code: [Hide] [Select]
'PAGE_NUMBER' => sprintf($lang['Page_of'], (floor($start / intval($board_config['posts_per_page']) ) + 1), ceil($total_replies / intval($board_config['posts_per_page']))),

Code: [Hide] [Select]
// START Linkback on viewtopic.php || By J.C. Design ||
'U_LINKBACK_URL' => 'http://' . $board_config['server_name'] . $board_config['script_path'] . $linkback,
'U_LINKBACK_BBCODE' => '[url=http://' . $board_config['server_name'] . $board_config['script_path'] . $linkback . ']' . $topic_title . ' - ' . $board_config['sitename'] . '[/url]',
'U_LINKBACK_HTML' => '<a href="http://' . $board_config['server_name'] . $board_config['script_path'] . $linkback . '">' . $topic_title . ' - ' . $board_config['sitename'] . '</a>',

'L_SELECT_LINKBACK_URL' => $lang['Select_Linkback_Url'],
'L_SELECT_LINKBACK_BBCODE' => $lang['Select_Linkback_Bbcode'],
'L_SELECT_LINKBACK_HTML' => $lang['Select_Linkback_Html'],
// END Linkback on viewtopic.php || By J.C. Design ||

OPEN /languge/lang_english/lang_main.php

Code: [Hide] [Select]
//$lang[''] = '';


Code: [Hide] [Select]
//Linkback || By J.C. Design
$lang['Select_Linkback_Url'] = 'Click in order to select the link direct.';
$lang['Select_Linkback_Bbcode'] = 'Click in order to select the BBCode code to use in the forums.';
$lang['Select_Linkback_Html'] = 'Click in order to select the link HTML code to use in the sites or blog.';

OPEN templates/*/viewtopic_body.tpl

Code: [Hide] [Select]
<span class="genmed">{L_DISPLAY_POSTS}:</span>&nbsp;{S_SELECT_POST_DAYS}&nbsp;{S_SELECT_POST_ORDER}&nbsp;<input type="submit" value="{L_GO}" class="liteoption jumpbox" name="submit" />

Code: [Hide] [Select]
{IMG_THL}{IMG_THC}<span class="forumlink">{L_SHARE_TOPIC}</span>{IMG_THR}<table class="forumlinenb" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<form name="select_all">
<table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td class="row1" width="120"><label for="linkback_url" class="post-details" style="cursor:pointer;" title="{L_SELECT_LINKBACK_URL}"><b>URL:</b></label></td>
<td class="row2"><textarea id="linkback_url" style="width:99%;height:15px;" readonly="readonly" onClick="javascript:this.form.linkback_url.focus();;" class="gensmall">{U_LINKBACK_URL}</textarea>
<td class="row1" width="120"><label for="linkback_html" class="post-details" style="cursor:pointer;" title="{L_SELECT_LINKBACK_HTML}"><b>HTML:</b></label></td>
<td class="row2"><textarea id="linkback_html" style="width:99%;height:15px;" readonly="readonly" onClick="javascript:this.form.linkback_html.focus();;" class="gensmall">{U_LINKBACK_HTML}</textarea>
<td class="row1" width="120"><label for="linkback_bbcode" class="post-details" style="cursor:pointer;" title="{L_SELECT_LINKBACK_BBCODE}"><b>BBCode:</b></label></td>
<td class="row2"><textarea id="linkback_bbcode" style="width:99%;height:15px;" readonly="readonly" onClick="javascript:this.form.linkback_bbcode.focus();;" class="gensmall">{U_LINKBACK_BBCODE}</textarea>
<td class="spaceRow" colspan="5"><img src="{SPACER}" width="1" height="3" alt=""></td>


I hope you or useful

abels_182 [ Sun 18 Jan, 2009 19:52 ]
Post subject: Re: MOD Linkback For Viewtopic
This increases the positioning on Google?

Chaotic [ Sun 18 Jan, 2009 21:38 ]
Post subject: Re: MOD Linkback For Viewtopic
I don't think it helps page rank, but it makes it easier for your members to post links to specific topics from your board, elsewhere.

FedericoBiccheddu [ Wed 21 Jan, 2009 19:56 ]
Post subject: Re: MOD Linkback For Viewtopic
They are not a SEO expert, but creed because link they are not directed but does not come only interpreted like text

Non sono un esperto di SEO, ma non credo perchè non sono link diretti ma viene interpretato solo come testo.

abels_182 [ Wed 21 Jan, 2009 20:09 ]
Post subject: Re: MOD Linkback For Viewtopic
Ok, thanks!

Chaotic [ Wed 21 Jan, 2009 23:26 ]
Post subject: Re: MOD Linkback For Viewtopic
JC Design wrote: [View Post]
They are not a SEO expert, but creed because link they are not directed but does not come only interpreted like text

Non sono un esperto di SEO, ma non credo perchè non sono link diretti ma viene interpretato solo come testo.

No offense buddy, but I have no idea what you just said.

abels_182 wrote: [View Post]
Ok, thanks!

Or maybe it's just me...

FedericoBiccheddu [ Wed 21 Jan, 2009 23:47 ]
Post subject: Re: MOD Linkback For Viewtopic
I'm not expert about SEO, but I don't think because they're not direct link, but it is considered only as a text.

It goes well now?

Chaotic [ Wed 21 Jan, 2009 23:50 ]
Post subject: Re: MOD Linkback For Viewtopic
Much better.


Structor [ Sat 28 Mar, 2009 16:45 ]
Post subject: Re: MOD Linkback For Viewtopic
I made this modifications, but I get this error:

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line 1494 is this:

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FedericoBiccheddu [ Sat 28 Mar, 2009 22:14 ]
Post subject: Re: MOD Linkback For Viewtopic
Me it seems strange, because nobody has never had this problem! It is not that you have forgotten a comma after the value in the Array?

Mi sembra strano, perchè nessuno ha mai avuto questo problema!

Non è che hai dimenticato una virgola, dopo il value nell'array?

Structor [ Sat 28 Mar, 2009 22:48 ]
Post subject: Re: MOD Linkback For Viewtopic
It is strage indeed, because that line was never modified, it is exactly the same like the one from original package. I verified that several times, I will verify it again.

E 'Strage di fatto, perché la linea non è mai stata modificata, è esattamente lo stesso come quello da imballaggio. Ho verificato che più volte, mi verificare nuovamente.

... I verified again, it is like I said.
... Ho verificato ancora una volta, è come ho detto.

I noticed that the error apear when I paste the first part of code
Ho notato che l'errore visualizzati quando si incolla la prima parte del codice

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To see what's happening, I inserted only the second part, and the error doesn't apear, but the links are not completed. The correct link from that viewtopic I tested is:

Per vedere cosa succede, ho inserito solo la seconda parte, e l'errore non visualizzati, ma il link non sono completati.
Il corretto collegamento da quello viewtopic che ho provato è :

Edit2: The error does not apear when I skip this line from your code:
Edit2: L'errore non visualizzati quando ho saltare questa linea di codice:
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But the link are still incomplete, like in the image I attached
Ma i legami sono ancora incompleti, come nella immagine che ho allegato

FedericoBiccheddu [ Fri 03 Apr, 2009 23:12 ]
Post subject: Re: MOD Linkback For Viewtopic
You are sure to have created also the variable ones of the template ones? The following ones:
Code: [Hide] [Select]
// START Linkback on viewtopic.php || By J.C. Design ||
'U_LINKBACK_URL' => 'http://' . $board_config['server_name'] . $board_config['script_path'] . $linkback,
'U_LINKBACK_BBCODE' => '[url=http://' . $board_config['server_name'] . $board_config['script_path'] . $linkback . ']' . $topic_title . ' - ' . $board_config['sitename'] . '[/url]',
'U_LINKBACK_HTML' => '<a href="http://' . $board_config['server_name'] . $board_config['script_path'] . $linkback . '">' . $topic_title . ' - ' . $board_config['sitename'] . '</a>',

'L_SELECT_LINKBACK_URL' => $lang['Select_Linkback_Url'],
'L_SELECT_LINKBACK_BBCODE' => $lang['Select_Linkback_Bbcode'],
'L_SELECT_LINKBACK_HTML' => $lang['Select_Linkback_Html'],
// END Linkback on viewtopic.php || By J.C. Design ||

Structor [ Sat 04 Apr, 2009 00:11 ]
Post subject: Re: MOD Linkback For Viewtopic
100% positive

Anyway, have made another try, and ... surprise: it worked ;))

But without this line:

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Thank you!

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