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Icy Phoenix

phpBB 3 MODS And Styles (Not Compatible With phpBB 3.1) - Quote Box

Joshua203 [ Mon 06 Dec, 2010 21:49 ]
Post subject: Quote Box

I'm probably approaching this the wrong way but i'm trying to add quote images before and after the quoted text

this is the code i 'm trying in bbcode.html:

Code: [Hide] [Select]
<!-- BEGIN quote_open -->
<div class="quotetitle"><b>{L_QUOTE}:</b></div><div class="quotecontent"><img src="./styles/black_pearl/theme/images/quote.gif" alt="" />&nbsp;<!-- END quote_open -->

<!-- BEGIN quote_close -->
&nbsp;<img src="./styles/black_pearl/theme/images/quote.gif" alt="" /></div>
<!-- END quote_close -->

the result is that only the closing quote image shows up but the first one hmmm i dunnow where it's hiding hehehehe

anybody any idea to give me a push?

Edit: another funny thing is that {T_THEME_PATH} is not working either for some reason i don't understand

Joshua203 [ Sun 19 Dec, 2010 20:44 ]
Post subject: Re: Quote Box
during tests i overlooked quote username ... problem fixed

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