PHP Files Downloader (Needs A Files Sequence Or List) »  Show posts from    to     

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Free PHP Scripts - PHP Files Downloader (Needs A Files Sequence Or List)

Mighty Gorgon [ Sat 04 Jun, 2011 10:47 ]
Post subject: PHP Files Downloader (Needs A Files Sequence Or List)
Today I would like to share with you a small script I coded yesterday because I found a good resources site to download from.

I noticed that all files where named sequentially: '', '', ... ''

Instead of downloading files one by one by manually clicking and load pages, I decided to go using PHP.

Here are the instructions and the code:
  • First make sure you have a local server on your pc or a remote server with PHP running.
  • Suppose you need to download a lof of files which are named sequentially from website: '', '', ... ''.
  • Create on your local (or remote) server a folder called "downloader" (or any name you like) and put this file in that folder:
    Code: (downloader.php) [Hide] [Select]
    * @package Icy Phoenix
    * @version $Id$
    * @copyright (c) 2008 Icy Phoenix
    * @license GNU Public License

    @ini_set('memory_limit', '64M');

    page_header('Files Downloader');

    $folder_src = '';
    $folder_tgt = 'files/';

    $filename_base_src = 'file_';
    $filename_base_tgt = 'file_';

    $files_src = array();
    $files_tgt = array();

    echo('<br /><br /><br /><h1>Files</h1>');

    for ($i = 1; $i < 1000; $i++)
    $filename_suffix = str_pad($i, 3, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
    $filename_src = $filename_base_src . $filename_suffix . '.zip';
    $filename_tgt = $filename_base_tgt . $filename_suffix . '.zip';

    $filename_full_path_src = $folder_src . $filename_src;
    $filename_full_path_tgt = $folder_tgt . $filename_tgt;

    //if (@remote_file_exists($folder_src, $filename_src) && @!file_exists($filename_full_path_tgt))
    if (@!file_exists($filename_full_path_tgt))
    $files_src[] = $filename_full_path_src;
    $files_tgt[] = $filename_full_path_tgt;
    $copy_result = @copy($filename_full_path_src, $filename_full_path_tgt);
    echo('<li style="font-size: 9px;">Copying: <b>' . $filename_tgt . '</b> ยป ' . (!empty($copy_result) ? '<span style="color: #228822;">OK</span>' : '<span style="color: #dd2200;">ERROR</span>') . '</li>');



    echo('<br /><br /><br /><b>Work Complete!!!</b>');

    function page_header($page_title)
    $encoding_charset = 'UTF-8';
    echo('<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">' . "\n");
    echo('<html xmlns="" dir="ltr">' . "\n");
    echo('<head>' . "\n");
    echo(' <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=' . $encoding_charset . '" />' . "\n");
    echo(' <meta name="author" content="Luca Libralato" />' . "\n");
    echo(' <title>' . $page_title . '</title>' . "\n");
    echo('</head>' . "\n");
    echo('<body>' . "\n");
    echo('<span><a name="top"></a></span>' . "\n");

    function page_footer()
    echo('<span><a name="bottom"></a></span>' . "\n");
    echo('</body>' . "\n");

    function remote_file_exists($dir, $file)
    $ret = exec('ls ' . $dir . ' | grep ' . $file);
    return (!empty($ret));


  • I have highlighted the portion of codes you will need to adjust, in particular you need to edit the remote folder where the files are $folder_src = ''; and the base name of the file $filename_base_src = 'file_';
  • After having edited the file, you need to create a subfolder called files in the folder you just created (if you have created a folder called downloader, you will then have this path: downloader/files): make sure the files folder has CHMOD 0777 permissions.
  • If everything is fine you can then launch the file in your browser and just wait that it finishes to download all your files!


Informpro [ Sat 04 Jun, 2011 11:12 ]
Post subject: Re: PHP Files Downloader (Needs A Files Sequence Or List)
Isn't that slow ? I can't remember exactly but cross-domain request are slow in PHP (and most because of the server) afaik.

Mighty Gorgon [ Sat 04 Jun, 2011 11:12 ]
Post subject: Re: PHP Files Downloader (Needs A Files Sequence Or List)
Do you think is faster clicking on 327 files manually?

Informpro [ Sat 04 Jun, 2011 11:14 ]
Post subject: Re: PHP Files Downloader (Needs A Files Sequence Or List)
Surely not, but using a real langage should be faster, even just for copying. I may benchmark if I find time to update my os then install VS.

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