Typo In Viewtopic.php »  Show posts from    to     

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Old Support Topics - Typo In Viewtopic.php

mort [ Mon 11 Feb, 2013 09:42 ]
Post subject: Typo In Viewtopic.php

I was nosing around looking for something - -


Code: [Hide] [Select]
$topic_user_from_flag = $$forum_topic_data['user_from_flag']

Informpro [ Mon 11 Feb, 2013 19:01 ]
Post subject: Re: Typo In Viewtopic.php
That's not a typo, that's just a dynamicly named variable. Look :

Code: [Hide]
  1. $a = 50; 
  2. $foo = 'a'; 
  3. echo $$foo; //prints 50 

mort [ Mon 11 Feb, 2013 22:08 ]
Post subject: Re: Typo In Viewtopic.php

I learn something everyday from here.

But the last time I did that as a typo - it caused me all sorts of grief.

So one just assumed - - -

Informpro [ Mon 11 Feb, 2013 22:47 ]
Post subject: Re: Typo In Viewtopic.php
It can happen in little viewed files but usually something like this produces an error, and in the viewtopic I believe this would've been spotted.

mort [ Tue 12 Feb, 2013 04:15 ]
Post subject: Re: Typo In Viewtopic.php
I believe anything about phpBB code that starts in one file, goes through half a dozen more and finally ends up in the tpl file?

The reason I was there is because I took the Country Flags mod DB and ported it to my playground and ended up adding the Country automatically to the flag both on the same line and mouse-over and inserting it into the user-profiles wherever the flag is shown and moused over.

Location - Becomes - "Paris, Rome or Oodnawoopwoop etc, and on mouse-over the alt/title is "Rome Italy" - "Paris France" etc.

As in the pic.


Trying to dig where all of that is put together in Icy/phpBB files and do the same thing for IP, is an exercise in itself

Maybe you would like to do it, because currently the only information one gets from the flag most of the time is that it's just a "little coloured rectangle" made up from about 24-36px.

To make a point - Mouse over my Flag here, and my location is "Behind You" - If it was "Behind You Australia" it would at least make some sense, because for me, like others - the flags that are used here denote nothing because of their size, and mean very little to anyone because there is seldom any Country recognition of the flag itself.

Mighty Gorgon [ Tue 19 Feb, 2013 23:22 ]
Post subject: Re: Typo In Viewtopic.php
Thanks for the suggestion, I'll think about this.

mort [ Wed 20 Feb, 2013 01:26 ]
Post subject: Re: Typo In Viewtopic.php
My friend if it was easy for me to dig out I would have done it because it's such a bit of easy coding just to echo the "country_name" where the user flag = user id.

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