BUG In Posting_body.tpl - Php? V2.0.0.86 »  Show posts from    to     

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Old Support Topics - BUG In Posting_body.tpl - Php? V2.0.0.86

mort [ Fri 27 Mar, 2015 19:31 ]
Post subject: BUG In Posting_body.tpl - Php? V2.0.0.86
The text area is leaking at the bottom when one previews the text?

And then it chops it off when one submits the post.

So we do it again and submit it without previewing it.


############### The Script being cut off #################

Enabled-Code was removed from the Tablet Themes because it is difficult to capture on a touch-screen.

However, some may want to use the Tablet Themes as default and may want to put the Enabled Code Back.

Here's How to do it:

In each Tablet Theme you want to add it to.



Code: [Hide] [Select]
if($comments_on == 1){

Before Add:

Spoiler: [ Show ]

Apparently it's not happening here? But this is the same on XAMPP and the Web-Server.

Informpro [ Sun 29 Mar, 2015 20:12 ]
Post subject: Re: BUG In Posting_body.tpl - Php? V2.0.0.86
IP.com is a bit outdated. This seems like a security issue if it happens with quote as well...

mort [ Mon 30 Mar, 2015 04:08 ]
Post subject: Re: BUG In Posting_body.tpl - Php? V2.0.0.86
What I do know is that if one wraps the code and then uses the spoiler - The spoiler action removes the code tags.

Mighty Gorgon [ Wed 08 Apr, 2015 11:53 ]
Post subject: Re: BUG In Posting_body.tpl - Php? V2.0.0.86
Can you please explain me again how to replicate this?

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