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Old Styles Topics - Sitelogo

Harimau [ Wed 06 Jun, 2007 04:36 ]
Post subject: Sitelogo
How can i get the sitelogo in the center of the site ?

ThE KuKa [ Fri 08 Jun, 2007 22:23 ]
Post subject: Re: Sitelogo
... in which style?

Harimau [ Sat 09 Jun, 2007 07:13 ]
Post subject: Re: Sitelogo
The MG Style, (Icy, Aqua & Milky Way and the Fort Knox Themes.

Mighty Gorgon [ Sun 10 Jun, 2007 02:44 ]
Post subject: Re: Sitelogo
Edit all the overall_header*.tpl and move the logo code into the central TD of the header table.

drexful [ Sun 22 Jul, 2007 22:44 ]
Post subject: Re: Sitelogo
I am posting this for quick reference..

In /templates/mg_themes/overall_header.tpl @ line 98

Code: [Hide] [Select]
<td height="150" align="left" valign="middle"><a href="{U_PORTAL}" title="{L_HOME}"><img src="{FULL_SITE_PATH}{SITELOGO}" alt="{L_HOME}" title="{L_HOME}"/></a></td>OPEN [b][/b]

Code: [Hide] [Select]
<td height="150" align="center" valign="middle"><a href="{U_PORTAL}" title="{L_HOME}"><img src="{FULL_SITE_PATH}{SITELOGO}" alt="{L_HOME}" title="{L_HOME}"/></a></td>

Save and close all files..

Sergini [ Fri 27 Jul, 2007 22:01 ]
Post subject: Re: Sitelogo

Lin [ Sun 11 Mar, 2012 10:42 ]
Post subject: Re: Sitelogo

How can i get the sitelogo in the center of the site (Black perl)?

I found this:

<div id="logo-img"><a href="{FULL_SITE_PATH}{U_PORTAL}" title="{L_HOME}"><img src="{FULL_SITE_PATH}{SITELOGO}" alt="{L_HOME}" title="{L_HOME}" /></a></div>

I do not know how to change it.

Joshua203 [ Sun 11 Mar, 2012 12:08 ]
Post subject: Re: Sitelogo
Mighty Gorgon wrote: [View Post]
Edit all the overall_header*.tpl and move the logo code into the central TD of the header table.

The above means that this part in the code would look something like this:
Code: [Hide] [Select]
<table id="forumtable" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<!-- IF GT_BLOCK -->
<tr><td width="100%" colspan="3"><!-- BEGIN ghtop_blocks_row -->{ghtop_blocks_row.CMS_BLOCK}<!-- END ghtop_blocks_row --></td></tr>
<!-- ENDIF -->
<td width="100%" colspan="3" valign="top">
<div id="top_logo">
<table class="" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
<td align="left" height="100%" valign="middle">
<!-- IF GL_BLOCK -->
<!-- BEGIN ghleft_blocks_row -->{ghleft_blocks_row.OUTPUT}<!-- END ghleft_blocks_row -->
<!-- ELSE -->&nbsp;
<!-- ENDIF -->
<td align="center" valign="middle">
<div id="logo-img"><a href="{FULL_SITE_PATH}{U_PORTAL}" title="{L_HOME}"><img src="{FULL_SITE_PATH}{SITELOGO}" alt="{L_HOME}" title="{L_HOME}" /></a></div>
<!-- IF S_HEADER_BANNER --><center><br />{HEADER_BANNER_CODE}</center><!-- ELSE -->&nbsp;<!-- ENDIF --></td>
<td align="right" valign="middle">
<!-- <div class="sitedes"><h1>{SITENAME}</h1><h2>{SITE_DESCRIPTION}</h2></div> -->
<!-- IF GR_BLOCK -->
<!-- BEGIN ghright_blocks_row -->{ghright_blocks_row.OUTPUT}<!-- END ghright_blocks_row -->
<!-- ELSE -->
<!-- IF S_LOGGED_IN -->&nbsp;<!-- ELSE -->&nbsp;<!-- ENDIF -->
<!-- ENDIF -->

And because the logo will then be above the menu block buttons, you should probably change style_p_black.css too (because your logo will start overlapping the links):

Code: [Hide] [Select]
#top_logo {
border: 0px solid #181818;
background: #000000 url('images/p_black/top_header.png') repeat-x;
height: 150px;

Adjust the height until you have the desired effect
(or cut the height of the image used or play with z-index until it looks good)

Lin [ Tue 13 Mar, 2012 17:50 ]
Post subject: Re: Sitelogo
Thanks so much for helping Joshua, I've tried and it worked.

TheSteffen [ Wed 14 Mar, 2012 12:28 ]
Post subject: Re: Sitelogo
Lin, please open a new topic next time!

2007 is very, very old

Topic marked as solved

Lin [ Thu 15 Mar, 2012 19:42 ]
Post subject: Re: Sitelogo
Excuse me, I am sorry.

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