Image Class Missing From *overall_header.tpl »  Show posts from    to     

Icy Phoenix

Old Styles Topics - Image Class Missing From *overall_header.tpl

mort [ Thu 12 Mar, 2015 10:15 ]
Post subject: Image Class Missing From *overall_header.tpl
For the benefit of others.

This line in the overall_headers lacks an image class and the logo-img class has no affect on the image size. And it makes it difficult to adjust images if they are not close to the same size as the originals without re-sizing them.

Code: [Hide] [Select]
<div id="logo-img"><a href="{FULL_SITE_PATH}{U_PORTAL}" title="{L_HOME}"><img src="{FULL_SITE_PATH}{SITELOGO}" alt="{L_HOME}" title="{L_HOME}" /></a></div>

Change it to this.

Code: [Hide] [Select]
<div id="logo-img"><a href="{FULL_SITE_PATH}{U_PORTAL}" title="{L_HOME}"><img class="sitelogo_small" src="{FULL_SITE_PATH}{SITELOGO}" alt="{L_HOME}" title="{L_HOME}" /></a></div>

And in the CSS add this line and adjust to suit the logo image in individual themes.

Code: [Hide] [Select]
.sitelogo_small {
width: 200px;
height: 110px;

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