CUSTOMIZATION - Add New Location In Who Is Online »  Show posts from    to     

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Documentation And How To - CUSTOMIZATION - Add New Location In Who Is Online

Chaotic [ Tue 30 Dec, 2008 02:38 ]
Post subject: CUSTOMIZATION - Add New Location In Who Is Online
Have you created a new page in your Icy Phoenix, but don't want it to say "Home" when someone is viewing that page? I get tired of seeing that when I click Who Is Online, so here is a fix.

The $lang examples I'm going to use may be different than what you are going to use, but I think you'll get the idea behind this.

For example, I want to add "Viewing Maps" to my Who Is Online.

My "maps" page is located at /maps.php.

Open: ip_root/language/your_language/lang_main.php


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// Do not insert anything below this line


(Don't forget to change some code below!)

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$lang['Viewing_Maps'] = 'Viewing Maps';

I believe the $lang variable can be anything you want it to be as long as you make sure you call it up correctly in the next file you edit. Change 'Viewing_Maps' to whatever variable you wish.


This will be the text that shows when viewing Who Is Online. Change it to whatever you want.

= 'Viewing Maps'

Open: ip_root/includes/functions_mg_online.php


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elseif (strpos($page_id, 'viewonline.' . $phpEx) !== false)
$location['lang'] = $lang['Viewing_online'];
$location['url'] = 'viewonline.' . $phpEx;
return $location;


(Don't forget to change some code below!)

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elseif (strpos($page_id, 'maps.' . $phpEx) !== false)
$location['lang'] = $lang['Viewing_Maps'];
$location['url'] = 'maps.' . $phpEx;
return $location;

Change 'maps.' in: elseif (strpos($page_id, 'maps.' . $phpEx) !== false) to whatever suits your needs.

Change Viewing_Maps to whatever variable you named it in lang_main.php.

$location['lang'] = $lang['Viewing_Maps'];

The $location['url'] should match the URL you wish to show in Who Is Online:

$location['url'] = 'maps.' . $phpEx;

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