Why We Only Give Support On The Forum
As you may or may not know, the supporting staff members for Icy Phoenix do not like providing support away from the forum. This means receiving private messages, being contacted via AOL/MSN/YAHOO Messenger, or e-mail seeking support. We don't mind providing support for this project, but privately supporting one person doesn't benefit our other users.
You may think you will be receiving a faster response from a staff member, but think about what you are doing. The time it would take one of us to respond to your issue is stealing time we could be supporting the same issue on the forum. By posting your issue on the forum, many users are benefiting from that one solution that was provided. The needs of many outweigh the needs of one in this instance. Instead of one user getting help, hundreds are receiving help because you posted your issue publicly in the forum.
Just remember; contacting us privately for support is stealing time we could be helping everyone with the same issue.