Re: [STYLE] - Black Pearl And Rainbow Pearl
ChiChi777, the file you need to edit is the following:
You have to remove IM links there and then you can move "Custom Profile Fields" where you like.
The block for "Custom Profile Fields" is the following:
<!-- BEGIN profile_fields -->
<td class="row1" width="35%">
<b class="genmed">{profile_fields.LANG_NAME}: </b>
<!-- IF profile_fields.S_REQUIRED --><b>*</b><!-- ENDIF -->
<!-- IF profile_fields.LANG_EXPLAIN --><br /><span class="gensmall">{profile_fields.LANG_EXPLAIN}</span><!-- ENDIF -->
<td class="row2">{profile_fields.FIELD}<!-- IF profile_fields.ERROR --><br /><span class="gensmall error">{profile_fields.ERROR}</span><!-- ENDIF --></td>
<!-- END profile_fields -->
Make sure you move the block with the table, since it is a table row.