I use Icyphoenix RC1. When I actuallizated to it, I had to activate limit_memory_php 16M in htacces file. My web server was HSphere.
Now, my server changed me to CPanel 11 and When you try access in a category, you have a "error 500".
"limit_memory_php 16M" don't work in CPanel (error 500 in all web) but I can activate it in a php.ini
My server tell me that I consume a lot of CPU. You can see the log file here:
Mon Jan 7 09:41:23 2008: '/usr/bin/php viewforum.php ' (Exe: php [/usr/bin/php], Script: '/home/username/public_html/viewforum.php', Domain: www.elitemoviles.net, Request: '/motorola-rosa-vf79.html', Accessed from: 66.249.**.***) - of has used 98 %CPU
Mon Jan 7 09:42:29 2008: '/usr/bin/php viewforum.php ' (Exe: php [/usr/bin/php], Script: '/home/username/public_html/viewforum.php', Domain: www.elitemoviles.net, Request: '/motorola-rosa-vf79.html', Accessed from: 66.249.**.***) - of username has used 101.2 %CPU
Mon Jan 7 09:43:35 2008: '/usr/bin/php viewforum.php ' (Exe: php [/usr/bin/php], Script: '/home/username/public_html/viewforum.php', Domain: www.elitemoviles.net, Request: '/motorola-rosa-vf79.html', Accessed from: 66.249.**.***) - of username has used 101.4 %CPU

In my log server problem, I can see this code:
[Mon Jan 7 11:06:44 2008] [error] [client 80.**.***.***] File does not exist: /home/elxuan/public_html/500.shtml
[Mon Jan 7 11:06:44 2008] [error] [client 80.**.***.***] Premature end of script headers: /home/nameuser/public_html/viewforum.php

What can I do to consume less cpu?
Should I go to RC2 with my web?
Can I degraded it to stable version?
Are there any problem in viewforum.php?

thanks alls