SOLVED Email Template

Subject: Email Template

A quick question really...

I have made my emails to members resemble my sites templates but I wanted to know if it is ok to add images which load from my site to the emails... I have gotten this to work but I was wondering if their was any security issues with this..?

Also I have done basic html with the images for example

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<img src="" width="14" height="40" alt="hg" />

is their an easier way of doing this ... ? can you add code in the email script so that it will pick up your sites full url..?

Thanks for any help...

:mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Inactive User
Subject: Re: Email Template
Not sure if this is what you are after ?

ACP > Site >

Email Signature
This text will be attached to all emails sent from the board.

Add "example": <a href="h**p://"><img src="h**p://" />Click Me</a>

This will add an image link to your "Sent from the Board" emails. "Click Me" is optional. :mricy:

Subject: Re: Email Template
Hi thanks for the reply... I managed to figure this out... though I must learn to post more detail and explain myself better when asking for help...:)

Here is the solution I found which was already there...

In language/email/htmlhtml_mail_header.tpl

you have {ROOT}templates/common/images/bg_code_header.gif) top left no-repeat;

the {ROOT} was the part I was after as It saved me writing out the url each time...

Thanks for the help.

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