Icy Phoenix


"PIVIK" Code

"PIVIK" Code

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Post "PIVIK" Code 
I would add code to my default style

I have a script COUNTER "PIVIK" that counts all visits in which folder it goes to be the >body<

I use Pearl Style
I put it in index.html I do not only show visitors to the site

This is the code that should be the </head> and <body>
Please help in  folder give this,i do not know in which folder

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<!-- Piwik -->
<script type="text/javascript">
var pkBaseURL = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "h**ps://....../piwik/" : "h**p://------/piwik/");
document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + pkBaseURL + "piwik.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));
</script><script type="text/javascript">
try {
var piwikTracker = Piwik.getTracker(pkBaseURL + "piwik.php", 1);
} catch( err ) {}
</script><noscript><p><img src="h**p://------/piwik/piwik.php?idsite=1" style="border:0" alt="" /></p></noscript>
<!-- End Piwik Tracking Code -->

Piwik will issue you with a JavaScript code. This code must appear on every page you want Piwik to analyze. We recommend that you put this code just before your </body> at the bottom of your pages (or in a general "footer" file that is included at the bottom of your pages).


tomtomi - View user's profile Send private message  
tomtomi [ Fri 13 Apr, 2012 19:13 ]
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"PIVIK" Code

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Post Re: "PIVIK" Code 
Hi and welcome to IcyPhoenix tomtomi,

First things first .. are you using an IcyPhoenix board or a phpBB board

Joshua203 - View user's profile Send private message  
Joshua203 [ Fri 13 Apr, 2012 22:10 ]
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Post Re: "PIVIK" Code 
Joshua203 wrote: [View Post]
Hi and welcome to IcyPhoenix tomtomi,

First things first .. are you using an IcyPhoenix board or a phpBB board

I use IcyPhoenix board,"Icy Phoenix"I would add this code in my Black Pear style..I do not know in which folder should I add**

I added the templates/default /overall_header.TPL and does not work

in here I put the code

<!-- Piwik -->

<!-- End Piwik Tracking Code -->


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<!-- INCLUDE overall_inc_header.tpl -->

<script type="text/javascript">

* AnyLink Drop Down Menu- © Dynamic Drive (***.dynamicdrive.com)
* This notice MUST stay intact for legal use
* Visit h**p://***.dynamicdrive.com/ for full source code

//Contents for menu 1
var menu1 = new Array();
menu1[0] = '<br /><div class="center-block-text">&nbsp;<form action="{FULL_SITE_PATH}{U_SEARCH}" method="post"><input name="search_keywords" type="text" class="post" style="width: 150px;" />&nbsp;<input type="submit" class="mainoption" value="{L_SEARCH}" />&nbsp;<br /><\/form><\/div>';
menu1[1] = '&nbsp;<a href="{FULL_SITE_PATH}{U_SEARCH}" title="{L_SEARCH_EXPLAIN}">{L_ADV_SEARCH}<\/a>';
//Contents for menu 2
var menu2 = new Array();
menu2[0] = '<a href="{FULL_SITE_PATH}{U_SEARCH_NEW}" title="{L_SEARCH_NEW}">{L_SEARCH_NEW2}<\/a>';
menu2[1] = '{L_DISPLAY_UNREAD}';
menu2[2] = '{L_DISPLAY_MARKED}';
menu2[3] = '{L_DISPLAY_PERMANENT}';

var menuwidth = '180px'; //default menu width
var disappeardelay = 250; //menu disappear speed onMouseout (in miliseconds)
var hidemenu_onclick = "no"; //hide menu when user clicks within menu?

/////No further editing needed
if (ie4 || ns6)
    document.write('<div id="dropmenudiv" class="row1" style="visibility: hidden; width:' + menuwidth + ';" onmouseover="clearhidemenu();" onmouseout="dynamichide(event);"><\/div>');

<script type="text/javascript" src="{FULL_SITE_PATH}{T_COMMON_TPL_PATH}js/ddmenu.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript">
if (hidemenu_onclick == "yes")
    document.onclick = hidemenu;
<!-- ENDIF -->

<!-- Piwik -->
<script type="text/javascript">
var pkBaseURL = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "h**ps://.....t/piwik/" : "h**p://...../piwik/");
document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + pkBaseURL + "piwik.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));
</script><script type="text/javascript">
try {
var piwikTracker = Piwik.getTracker(pkBaseURL + "piwik.php", 1);
} catch( err ) {}
</script><noscript><p><img src="h**p://.......t/piwik/piwik.php?idsite=1" style="border:0" alt="" /></p></noscript>
<!-- End Piwik Tracking Code -->


<div id="global-wrapper">
<span><a name="top"></a></span>

<table id="forumtable" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<!-- IF GT_BLOCK -->
<tr><td width="100%" colspan="3"><!-- BEGIN ghtop_blocks_row -->{ghtop_blocks_row.CMS_BLOCK}<!-- END ghtop_blocks_row --></td></tr>
<!-- ENDIF -->
    <td width="100%" colspan="3" valign="top">
        <div id="top_logo">
        <table class="" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
        <td align="left" height="100%" valign="middle">
        <!-- IF GL_BLOCK -->
        <!-- BEGIN ghleft_blocks_row -->{ghleft_blocks_row.OUTPUT}<!-- END ghleft_blocks_row -->
        <!-- ELSE -->
        <div id="logo-img"><a href="{FULL_SITE_PATH}{U_PORTAL}" title="{L_HOME}"><img src="{FULL_SITE_PATH}{SITELOGO}" alt="{L_HOME}" title="{L_HOME}" /></a></div>
        <!-- ENDIF -->
        <td align="center" valign="middle"><!-- IF S_HEADER_BANNER --><center><br />{HEADER_BANNER_CODE}</center><!-- ELSE -->&nbsp;<!-- ENDIF --></td>
        <td align="right" valign="middle">
        <!-- <div class="sitedes"><h1>{SITENAME}</h1><h2>{SITE_DESCRIPTION}</h2></div> -->
        <!-- IF GR_BLOCK -->
        <!-- BEGIN ghright_blocks_row -->{ghright_blocks_row.OUTPUT}<!-- END ghright_blocks_row -->
        <!-- ELSE -->
        <!-- IF S_LOGGED_IN -->&nbsp;<!-- ELSE -->&nbsp;<!-- ENDIF -->
        <!-- ENDIF -->

<!-- IF GB_BLOCK -->
<tr><td width="100%" colspan="3"><!-- BEGIN ghbottom_blocks_row -->{ghbottom_blocks_row.CMS_BLOCK}<!-- END ghbottom_blocks_row --></td></tr>
<!-- ELSE -->
    <td width="100%" class="forum-buttons" colspan="3">
        <a href="{FULL_SITE_PATH}{U_PORTAL}">{L_HOME}</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="{FULL_SITE_PATH}{IMG_MENU_SEP}" alt="" />&nbsp;
        <a href="{FULL_SITE_PATH}{U_INDEX}">{L_INDEX}</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="{FULL_SITE_PATH}{IMG_MENU_SEP}" alt="" />&nbsp;
        <!-- BEGIN switch_upi2db_off -->
        <a href="{FULL_SITE_PATH}{U_SEARCH_NEW}">{L_NEW2}</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="{FULL_SITE_PATH}{IMG_MENU_SEP}" alt="" />&nbsp;
        <!-- END switch_upi2db_off -->
        <!-- BEGIN switch_upi2db_on -->
        <span style="vertical-align: top;">{L_POSTS}:&nbsp;</span><a href="{FULL_SITE_PATH}{U_SEARCH_NEW}">{L_NEW2}</a><span style="vertical-align: top;">&nbsp;•&nbsp;</span>{L_DISPLAY_U}<span style="vertical-align: top;">&nbsp;•&nbsp;</span>{L_DISPLAY_M}<span style="vertical-align: top;">&nbsp;•&nbsp;</span>{L_DISPLAY_P}&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="{FULL_SITE_PATH}{IMG_MENU_SEP}" alt="" />&nbsp;
        <!-- END switch_upi2db_on -->
        <!-- IF S_LOGGED_IN -->
        <a href="{FULL_SITE_PATH}{U_PROFILE}">{L_PROFILE}</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="{FULL_SITE_PATH}{IMG_MENU_SEP}" alt="" />&nbsp;
        <!-- ENDIF -->
        <!-- IF S_HEADER_DROPDOWN -->
        <a href="{FULL_SITE_PATH}{U_SEARCH}" onMouseOver="dropdownmenu(this, event, menu1, '250px');" onMouseOut="delayhidemenu();">{L_SEARCH}</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="{FULL_SITE_PATH}{IMG_MENU_SEP}" alt="" />&nbsp;
        <!-- ELSE -->
        <a href="{FULL_SITE_PATH}{U_SEARCH}">{L_SEARCH}</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="{FULL_SITE_PATH}{IMG_MENU_SEP}" alt="" />&nbsp;
        <!-- ENDIF -->
        <a href="{FULL_SITE_PATH}{U_FAQ}">{L_FAQ}</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="{FULL_SITE_PATH}{IMG_MENU_SEP}" alt="" />&nbsp;
        <!-- IF not S_LOGGED_IN -->
        <a href="{FULL_SITE_PATH}{U_REGISTER}">{L_REGISTER}</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="{FULL_SITE_PATH}{IMG_MENU_SEP}" alt="" />&nbsp;
        <!-- ENDIF -->
        <a href="{FULL_SITE_PATH}{U_LOGIN_LOGOUT}">{L_LOGIN_LOGOUT2}</a>
<!-- ENDIF -->

<!-- IF S_PAGE_NAV --><tr><td width="100%" colspan="3"><div style="margin-left: 7px; margin-right: 7px;"><!-- INCLUDE breadcrumbs_main.tpl --></div></td></tr><!-- ENDIF -->

<!-- INCLUDE overall_inc_body.tpl -->

tomtomi - View user's profile Send private message  
tomtomi [ Fri 13 Apr, 2012 23:54 ]
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Post Re: "PIVIK" Code 
You did not add the code before the closing head tag "</head>" the following example will work better.

<!-- Piwik -->
<!-- End Piwik Tracking Code -->


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But in all honesty you do not need to manually edit the template to add that code. You can add it just as you would the Google code in the ACP.


Hans - View user's profile Send private message  
Hans [ Sat 14 Apr, 2012 08:14 ]
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Post Re: "PIVIK" Code 
Personally I would put it in the overall_footer ...either way, via ACP ( like Hans mentioned ) or directly in the file, it really should not make a difference so in ACP might be the easiest way

Joshua203 - View user's profile Send private message  
Joshua203 [ Sat 14 Apr, 2012 14:44 ]
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Post Re: "PIVIK" Code 
Thanks for your answers.
unfortunately does not work neither one nor the other, I do not know what is wrong.
I think there is anything wrong in piwik code

tomtomi - View user's profile Send private message  
tomtomi [ Sun 15 Apr, 2012 00:51 ]
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Post Re: "PIVIK" Code 
One thing I noticed after using Piwik for a while, most browsers will see it as an XSS attack or something if you set it up to run on something different than the domain (TLD) you are trying to track.

I use Piwik installed as a subdomain of the website(s) that I am tracking. It works with the code placed either ot the ways I have mentioned. However it will not work to track the other domains I own due browsers thinking it is an XSS problem. ( IE will actually red-screen and warn veiwers)

So just keep in mind you will want to install Piwik as a subdirectory or subdomain to the site(s) you want to track.

Hans - View user's profile Send private message  
Hans [ Sun 15 Apr, 2012 09:27 ]
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Post Re: "PIVIK" Code 
Hans wrote: [View Post]
One thing I noticed after using Piwik for a while, most browsers will see it as an XSS attack or something if you set it up to run on something different than the domain (TLD) you are trying to track.

Oh, thanks for the information Hans... I dont have it on subdomain, so for me it is working fine.
I only use a different DB for it.

TheSteffen - View user's profile Send private message  
TheSteffen [ Tue 17 Apr, 2012 22:45 ]
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