New "Pearl" Buttons And Css

Subject: New "Pearl" Buttons And Css
I've made three new sets of border-less buttons (little_box and menu_sep etc.) for Pearl black, blue and white because the existing ones look awful in LoFi.

They're in the zip, but you will have to remove the prefixes I added that denotes what is what.

I've also added a Blank overlay that can be used to "treat" other buttons as required. ;)

There is also a "New" lofi.css to which I've only added some control over the width of the LoFI templates.

No Pics:

Just a Demo: :P
Description: Border-less buttons for Pearl Black, Blue and White 
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Subject: Re: New "Pearl" Buttons And Css
thanks mort..

why did you wrapped lofi if default is normal non wrepped (but i like it wrapped) :mrblue:

menu_sep is now realy great ,no more that black ugly border :up:
little box i cant find..i dont know where is it in lofi

i think MG shoud consider to made only one lofi template for all styles without any image
because of this

Subject: Re: New "Pearl" Buttons And Css
Limun wrote: [View Post]
why did you wrapped lofi if default is normal non wrapped (but i like it wrapped) :mrblue:

Because this is ridiculous! :LOL:

And every theme should have the option to adjust the width - LoFi has NONE? :(

Window: 1936 X 1056 - - - Viewport: 1920 X 861


I'll have a look at those other templates, but if they're blocks - I wont! :mrgreen:

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Subject: Re: New "Pearl" Buttons And Css
you shoud create sometnig like this

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<!-- IF screenresolution_over_1440px-->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{FULL_SITE_PATH}{T_TPL_PATH}style_{1440}.css" type="text/css" />
<!-- ENDIF -->


just are right on large displays its ridiculous

Subject: Re: New "Pearl" Buttons And Css

You're right - That's how phpBB would do it and create other arguments for about every other screen resolution at the same time! JUST TO KEEP IT COMPLICATED :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

I was going to put it at 85% !important - But my favourite these days is width: 1024px;

And while we're on the subject of "Useless Stuff" - phpBB's change font size is a useless relic that is about as useful as an ashtray on a motorcycle - - - But they like it I suppose - SO YOU HAVE TO HAVE IT!

Oh! and this.

little box i cant find..i don't know where is it in lofi

Just tidying up to keep things looking consistent and nice for when one is not using LoFi. ;)

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Subject: Re: New "Pearl" Buttons And Css
Modern themes are called "responsive" because they automatically adjust content display according to the visitor device/resolution.

Unfortunately it wouldn't be easy to apply a responsive style to Icy Phoenix, it does require a lot of job.

In a new life I'll recode Icy Phoenix from scratch... :mri:

Subject: Re: New "Pearl" Buttons And Css
Mighty Gorgon wrote: [View Post]
In a new life I'll recode Icy Phoenix from scratch... :mri:

In a new life - I'll help. :LOL:

But in reality, it's all moving to ahead too fast for this little black duck to keep up with or have a use for.

So I'll just stick to the nuts and bolts and let the younger generation worry about responsive graphics and templates.


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