Site Info Not Displayed In Banner

Subject: Site Info Not Displayed In Banner
Hi - I'm trying to add some text to the banner page for my forum. I'm using blue pearl on the latest version of Icy Phoenix CMS. I've set my site name and description using ACP, but no text appears in the banner when I run forum.php.
When I display the source in my browser, I can see a div class="sitedes" with the site name and description, but the line is commented out. Below is the first part of the HTML being generated. How can I get

<!-- <div class="sitedes"><h1>System Guys</h1><h2>Support Forum for System Guys Products</h2></div> -->

uncommented? Appreciate any insight you give me as to where to look.

Thanks - Bob

<div id="global-wrapper">
<span><a id="top">&nbsp;</a></span>
<div class="leftshadow"><div class="rightshadow"><div id="wrapper-inner"><table id="forumtable">
<td class="tvalignt" colspan="3">
<div id="top_logo">
<td class="th100pct tdalignl tvalignm">
<div id="logo-img"><a href="" title="Home"><img src="" alt="Home" title="Home" /></a></div>
<td class="tdalignc tvalignm">&nbsp;</td>
<td class="tdalignr tvalignm">
<!-- <div class="sitedes"><h1>System Guys</h1><h2>Support Forum for System Guys Products</h2></div> -->
&nbsp; </td>

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Subject: Re: Site Info Not Displayed In Banner
Hi Bob,

Icy Phoenix uses nested or "Parent" templates and all templates are also cached - So you will more than likely need to clear the "template cache" when you make changes.

In root/templates/default/overall_header.tpl


<!-- <div class="sitedes"><h1>{SITENAME}</h1><h2>{SITE_DESCRIPTION}</h2></div> -->

I don't know where this extra ./ is being generated in the path with viewsource, maybe you need to check your settings with that one.

<div id="logo-img"><a href="

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Subject: Re: Site Info Not Displayed In Banner
Thanks Mort for telling me where to look and what .tpl to look for. I uncommented

<div class="sitedes"><h1>{SITENAME}</h1><h2>{SITE_DESCRIPTION}</h2></div>

cleared the cache, and the site name and description showed in the banner. The SITENAME and SITE_DESCRIPTION were the values I had placed in the ACD. There is another line in the .tpl just a couple lines above which reads

<td class="tdalignc tvalignm"><!-- IF S_HEADER_BANNER --><center><br />{HEADER_BANNER_CODE}</center><!-- ELSE -->&nbsp;<!-- ENDIF --></td>

which would allow some information to be displayed in the center portion of overall header. I would like to test that, but I couldn't find any way to set S_HEADER_BANNER and HEADER_BANNER_CODE. Could you also explain what I need to look at and do to test. I could just replace that line with some HTML of my own, but I'd like to use what has been set up already. I just got the forum installed and still in the process of figuring out how it all works.


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Subject: Re: Site Info Not Displayed In Banner
Hi Bob,

Ads you manage in the CMS

ACP -> CMS -> Ads & Sponsors -> Add Ad

And that one is the "Global Header" ;)

I always advise people to put Icy Phoenix on their PC's under XAMPP so that they can practice and destroy it easily and as often as they like..


PS: If you add this as "html" to the "Global Header" it will bring up an image from the image folder

<center><img src=images/icy_phoenix_small.png /></center>

You also have to enable it when you add it and also enable it on the "Global" ad's page.

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Subject: Re: Site Info Not Displayed In Banner
Thanks Mort for your help and suggestions. They really helped me get going on the modifications I wanted to make.

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Subject: Re: Site Info Not Displayed In Banner
Thank you very much Mort! :mricy:

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