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Post Will Add New Link 
will just test that ver of portal !
have just install IC 1.7 and activity mod (games) and everything works fine ...now will just add new link to activity.php in my main menu (left side) but when i do that through " edit your page" that link is not visible (same if i want add new groups in menu)!!

some help?



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Post Re: Will Add New Link 
Go to => Edit This Page and browse and go to The configuration to the lateral panel ^^

? JHOSMAN - Webmaster
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Post Re: Will Add New Link 
can you please describe lite more?


edit: i says what i will to do: my amod is now on www.belaplay.com/belax3/activity.php and i will put this link in main menu ! can somebodu explain to me what and how to do ?

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Post Re: Will Add New Link 

Edit this in templates/mg_themes/nav_quick_links.tpl


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Post Re: Will Add New Link 
how? can you explain what to do ?


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Post Re: Will Add New Link 
Open the file nav_quick_links.tpl on your favorite edit and add the link

? JHOSMAN - Webmaster
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Post Re: Will Add New Link 

OPEN templates/mg_themes/nav_quick_links.tpl
Code: [Download] [Hide] [Select]
<td align="left" width="8">{IMG_NAV_MENU_SEP}</td>
<td class="genmed" align="left"><a href="{U_KB}">{L_KB}</a></td>

Code: [Download] [Hide] [Select]
<td align="left" width="8">{IMG_NAV_MENU_SEP}</td>
<td class="genmed" align="left"><a href="{U_ACTIVITY}">{L_ACTIVITY}</a></td>


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Post Re: Will Add New Link 
Thanks !


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