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Post Copy A File In All Folders And SubFolders 
I have created this script a lot of time ago when I needed to update all index.html files into my Icy Phoenix... doing it by hand would have required a lot of time, so I have created this:

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* @package Icy Phoenix
* @version $Id$
* @copyright (c) 2008 Icy Phoenix
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/GPL-license.php GNU Public License

echo('<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">' . "\n");
'<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" dir="ltr" lang="en-gb" xml:lang="en-gb">' . "\n");
'<head><title>Files List</title></head>' . "\n");
'<body style="font-family:\'Courier New\', \'Trebuchet MS\', Verdana, Tahoma;font-size:12px;">' . "\n");
$root_dir = './';
$exclude_array = array('install');
$source_file = 'install/index.html';
$files_list = create_files_list_full($root_dir, '');
foreach (
$files_list as $file_element)
    if (
is_dir($file_element) && !in_array($file_element, $exclude_array))
$tmp_paths = array();
$tmp_paths = explode('/', $file_element);
$skip_sub_folder = false;
        for (
$i = 0; $i < sizeof($tmp_paths); $i++)
            for (
$j = 0; $j < sizeof($exclude_array); $j++)
                if (
$exclude_array[$j] == $tmp_paths[$i])
$skip_sub_folder = true;
            if (
$skip_sub_folder == true)
        if (
$skip_sub_folder == false)
unlink($file_element . '/index.html');
copy($source_file, $file_element . '/index.html');
'<b style="color:#800080;">&bull;&nbsp;' . $file_element . '</b><br />' . "\n");

'</body>' . "\n" . '</html>');


function create_files_list_full($dir, $extensions = '')
$directory = @opendir($dir);
$files_list = array();

    while (@
$file = readdir($directory))
        if (!
in_array($file, array('.', '..')))
$is_dir = (is_dir($dir . '/' . $file)) ? true : false;

$temp_path = str_replace('//', '/', ($dir . '/' . $file));

$file_details = get_file_details($temp_path);
$file_title = $file_details['name'];
$file_type = strtolower($file_details['ext']);

$process_file = false;
            if (
$extensions == '')
//$file_exclusions_array = array();
$file_exclusions_array = array('ace', 'bak', 'bmp', 'css', 'gif', 'hl', 'htc', 'htm', 'html', 'ico', 'jar', 'jpeg', 'jpg', 'js', 'pak', 'png', 'rar', 'sql', 'swf', 'tpl', 'ttf', 'txt', 'wmv', 'zip');
                if (!
in_array($file_type, $file_exclusions_array))
$process_file = true;
                if (
$file_type == $extensions)
$process_file = true;

            if (
$process_file == true)
$files_list[] = $temp_path;

// Directory found, so recall this function
if ($is_dir)
$files_list = array_merge($files_list, create_files_list_full($dir . '/' . $file, $extensions));
// if
} // while



* get_file_details
* Get File Details: name, extension
function get_file_details($file_name)
$file_details = array();
$file_tmp = str_replace ('http://', '', $file_name);
$file_path[] = array();
$file_path = explode('/', $file_tmp);
$file_details['name_full'] = $file_path[sizeof($file_path) - 1];
$file_part = explode('.', strtolower($file_details['name_full']));
$file_details['ext'] = $file_part[sizeof($file_part) - 1];
$file_details['name'] = substr($file_details['name_full'], 0, strlen($file_details['name_full']) - strlen($file_details['ext']) - 1);


If you want to use this script, you just have to specify the file to be copied ($source_file) and the paths you would like to exclude (if any...).

Please note that this script will overwrite any file with the same name of the one you are going to copy, so make sure you use this script on a backup copy first.

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Post Re: Copy A File In All Folders And SubFolders 
Thanks Luca will come in very handy when i get back on board shortly

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