It's Finally Happened! »  Show posts from    to     

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English Chit Chat - It's Finally Happened!

mort [ Sun 05 Jul, 2020 07:41 ]
Post subject: It's Finally Happened!
I'm sick and tired to death of php, html and all the rest of it!

Informpro [ Mon 06 Jul, 2020 02:09 ]
Post subject: Re: It's Finally Happened!
Hasn't it been some time?

mort [ Mon 06 Jul, 2020 04:18 ]
Post subject: Re: It's Finally Happened!
The way things are going - - - html5 and css3 are absobing the functions that one relied on php to do?

And further, we have GLOBAL db, (variables) CONSTANTS and Javascript to fill a hell of a lot other functions?

And I think - - - I'm just bored with computer and can't shake it?


mort [ Wed 12 Aug, 2020 20:25 ]
Post subject: Re: It's Finally Happened!
I think that with Windows cleaning up the drive and supposedly fixing it - I got a little tired of xampp crashing and being destroyed along with losing a host of other files that I needed to keep.

But the bug will no doubt come back because I'm starting to look at a few things I would like to modify and make something more useful out of.


PS: Is anyone aware that the BB Code is still not working here - and that all one gets is the raw code?

And it probably has lost the path to the JS?

Informpro [ Thu 13 Aug, 2020 16:26 ]
Post subject: Re: It's Finally Happened!
Modifying Xampp config files is always scary.

Code: [Hide]
  1. <?php
  2. echo 1;
  3. echo "hi mort!";

EDIT: Seems to work!

mort [ Mon 17 Aug, 2020 09:05 ]
Post subject: Re: It's Finally Happened!
Would you believe that I lost XAMPP again - but at least it was on a different partition, so it didn't crash/smash or destroy anything else when it self-imploded.

mort [ Thu 20 Aug, 2020 11:22 ]
Post subject: Re: It's Finally Happened!
And would you believe how much destruction XAMPP makes of many files and folders when it chews up and spits the drive out - bd it hdd pr ssd?

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