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Old Support Topics - Login Problem, Can't Login

struja [ Mon 07 Jan, 2008 20:48 ]
Post subject: Login Problem, Can't Login
I'm having a little problem. I can't login.
After instalation, when i delete instal, upload that config file....
I try to login using my administration acc, but when i submit. NOTHING happens. It's just refreshes the page.
P.S. Didn't had this problem on my other server.

BlackBullett [ Mon 21 Jan, 2008 23:11 ]
Post subject: Re: Login Problem, Can't Login
I had this problem once also and I think it was because my cookie settings for the server where wrong. Since you cant access ACP obviously you will need to go into your MySQL database and edit the cookie server yourself. Its best to leave it blank unless your 100% you are adding the domain in right, then it can still give you some problems. After you do that clear your cookie settings in your browser and retry.

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