Bug Trying To Add Signature »  Show posts from    to     

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Old Support Topics - Bug Trying To Add Signature

mort [ Wed 18 Mar, 2015 08:34 ]
Post subject: Bug Trying To Add Signature
I've had to disable GZip globally because when one goes to add a Signature in their profile we get this?

Content Encoding Error

The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.

Informpro [ Fri 20 Mar, 2015 14:21 ]
Post subject: Re: Bug Trying To Add Signature
I cannot reproduce this error. Are you sure you made the DB upgrade?

mort [ Fri 20 Mar, 2015 23:42 ]
Post subject: Re: Bug Trying To Add Signature
Not sure what Db upgrade you are talking about because this was/is a fresh install from the Downloads Section.

Now, I just tried the same thing with XAMPP PHP version 5.6.3


Accept-Encoding gzip, deflate

I click and get:

Content Encoding Error

The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.

Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.

ACP - I disable

Enable GZip Compression No

And I get:


So this has happened both on XAMPP and on the bluehost server

And from memory - When I downloaded this package from the Downloads - Icy Phoenix hadn't been downloaded for about six months or more? - So it's probably running with some deprecated stuff that no-one has reported in that time.

Dunno - - - But phpBB of SMF is starting to look good.


This was hiding because of the colour - in the top l/h corner after I disabled Gzip and I only noticed it because the theme had moved down from the top.

[Icy Phoenix Debug] PHP Notice: in file /includes/usercp_signature.php on line 22: Creating default object from empty value

Umm! disabling these in usercp_signature.php

Code: [Hide] [Select]
// get the board & user settings ...
// $html_on = ($user->data['user_allowhtml'] && $config['allow_html']) ? 1 : 0 ;
// $bbcode_on = ($user->data['user_allowbbcode'] && $config['allow_bbcode']) ? 1 : 0 ;
// $smilies_on = ($user->data['user_allowsmile'] && $config['allow_smilies']) ? 1 : 0 ;

// $bbcode->allow_html = $html_on;
// $bbcode->allow_bbcode = $bbcode_on;
// $bbcode->allow_smilies = $smilies_on;
// $bbcode->is_sig = true;

And it works as one would expect and the debug errors all disappear - because the error just moves from one line to the other if you don't disable the lot....

Mighty Gorgon [ Wed 08 Apr, 2015 11:49 ]
Post subject: Re: Bug Trying To Add Signature
I'll try to fix it.

Thanks for reporting.

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