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Old Support Topics - Link To Activity Mod

Mjay08 [ Mon 01 Dec, 2008 16:45 ]
Post subject: Link To Activity Mod
This could well be the most stupid thing I have asked, but I shall anyway.

I downloaded Activity Mod from here earlier today, & installed it on my latest version of Icy which I downloaded (from here) last week.

Installation went fine, all the edits worked, all the files copied into the correct directories etc etc.

Its all there in the ACP, the database is set up & working, games are installed & in categories, everything is peachy.

Apart from one small thing...

Where the hell is it? Outside of the ACP there is no trace of it anywhere. I've searched high, i've searched low, it is nowhere to be found.

Can anyone help?

Vortex [ Mon 01 Dec, 2008 16:55 ]
Post subject: Re: Stupid Question Alert

You have to create a link by yourself

Mjay08 [ Mon 01 Dec, 2008 17:01 ]
Post subject: Re: Stupid Question Alert
Vortex wrote: [View Post]

You have to create a link by yourself

You are a genious sir!

Chaotic [ Tue 02 Dec, 2008 01:07 ]
Post subject: Re: Stupid Question Alert

Marking this topic as SOLVED and editing the topic title to be descriptive of the problem.

Mjay08 [ Tue 02 Dec, 2008 16:27 ]
Post subject: Re: Link To Activity Mod
Although my original problem has been solved, I have encountered another, so instead of clogging up the place with more of my nonsense ill stick it here & hope someone notices...

My problem/s this time are thus:

Game scoring: Why do nearly all my games score a big fat '1', no matter how I set things? The only ones that seem to score correctly are:


which came with the activity mod zip file.

tetris2 also came with the zip file & do not score correctly, nor do any of my (400 odd) games I was using on my phpbb3 arcade.

When you submit a score (on a game where the scores register correctly) you get directed to

When you submit on a game where it doesn't work you get directed to Sounds good, but its actually just the site index page (i.e

Now i'm guessing the scores not registering & the page redirects are related issues, anyone ever seen this before & know a fix?

While i'm on, where can I find games that do register scores with activity mod? I've tried all the links i've seen & googled it but seem to keep hitting dead ends.

Mighty Gorgon [ Tue 02 Dec, 2008 17:39 ]
Post subject: Re: Activity Mod Block
Unfortunately not all games have been designed for Activity MOD.

I have plenty of them... all downloaded from the activity site but I don't know if it is active anymore.

Mjay08 [ Tue 02 Dec, 2008 17:43 ]
Post subject: Re: Activity Mod Block
Mighty Gorgon wrote: [View Post]
Unfortunately not all games have been designed for Activity MOD.

I have plenty of them... all downloaded from the activity site but I don't know if it is active anymore.

Thanks for that, but it appears they don't like me lol

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Mighty Gorgon [ Tue 02 Dec, 2008 17:46 ]
Post subject: Re: Activity And Global_blocks???
Same for me...

If you don't find any game using Google I can create a pack for you with all the ones downloaded from AMod site...

Mjay08 [ Tue 02 Dec, 2008 19:55 ]
Post subject: Re: Activity And Global_blocks???
Mighty Gorgon wrote: [View Post]
Same for me...

If you don't find any game using Google I can create a pack for you with all the ones downloaded from AMod site...

That would be fantastic!

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