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Documentation And How To - BBCODE - Cell Classes

hpl [ Fri 27 Apr, 2007 03:28 ]
Post subject: BBCODE - Cell Classes
Hi all,

with "cell" bbcode you can use a lot of classes of IP, and with a simple bbcode you can custom your topic with a nice style!

This is a little list of classes that you can use:
















This is a test...
subtitle of this test...
Hi all!

This is a test....non so che scrivere daiii!

bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla
bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla
bla bla bla bla bla

--:: This is a test for Icy Phoenix ::--
Goodbye from hpl

Code: [Hide] [Select]
[cell class=forumline][cell class=row-header][size=12][b]This is a test...[/b][/size][/cell][cell class=row1][i]subtitle of this test...[/i][/cell][cell class=row1][b]Hi all! [/b]

This is a test....non so che scrivere daiii!

bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla
bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla
bla bla bla bla bla

[/cell][cell class=cat]--:: [i]This is a test[/i] ::--
[b]Goodbye from hpl[/b][/cell][/cell]

Link test!
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[cell class=forumline][cell class=row-header][size=12][b]Link test![/b][/size][/cell][cell class=row1h][b][url=]Icy Phoenix[/url][/b]
Icy Phoenix è un CMS (Content Management System) che consente in maniera molto rapida la creazione di siti web dinamici con diverse funzionalità già incluse come: forum, portale, pagine e blocchi personalizzabili, downloads, galleria immagini, e tante altre.[/cell][cell class=row1h][b][url=]Icy Phoenix Album[/url][/b]
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You can use this topic for add other useful classes and nice combination too!...


andrea75 [ Fri 27 Apr, 2007 08:54 ]
Post subject: Re: [BBCode] Cell Class
Great! Thanks a lot HPL!

Mighty Gorgon [ Tue 01 May, 2007 18:14 ]
Post subject: Re: [BBCode] Cell Class
Yes, really good examples: it seems you are the first noticing that IP has html capabilities within BBCodes !

The major advantage of this approach is that you don't have to worry about security (BBCodes are checked for security) and all the BBCodes posted are template dependent, so they will be converted following the template CSS and style.

Thanks for this guide, I think many users will benefit from this topic.

If you agree we may post it in the public forum.

hpl [ Wed 02 May, 2007 14:00 ]
Post subject: Re: [BBCode] Cell Class
Of course, you can move it on public forum!

Zuker [ Wed 02 May, 2007 20:36 ]
Post subject: Re: [BBCode] Cell Class

buldo [ Wed 02 May, 2007 20:45 ]
Post subject: Re: [BBCode] Cell Class
Many thanks, hpl!

TheSteffen [ Thu 03 May, 2007 01:03 ]
Post subject: Re: [BBCode] Cell Class
Great hpl for this post and thanks MG another time

brandsrus [ Thu 03 May, 2007 09:21 ]
Post subject: Re: [BBCode] Cell Class
It works not for the 100%, for a live example (Click), the row-header don't work with the img before (in the normal CSS is that the <span> tag )


I have this code added into that message:

Code: [Hide]
  1. [cell class=forumline][cell class=row-header][size=12][b]Overzicht[/b][/size][/cell][cell class=row1][i]overzicht en belangrijke informatie over Icy Phoenix[/i][/cell][cell class=row1][url=docs/readme_english.html#overview]Readme[/url][/cell][cell class=cat][/cell][/cell] 

But it don't works, what is wrong or how can i correct it!

EDIT: It works now

eDog [ Thu 03 May, 2007 15:36 ]
Post subject: Re: [BBCode] Cell Class


Grazie hpl

nene94 [ Thu 28 Jun, 2007 22:38 ]
Post subject: Re: [BBCode] Cell Class
and what is de code HTML for it's??

lom hill [ Sun 01 Jul, 2007 15:12 ]
Post subject: Re: [BBCode] Cell Class
Thanks hpl.

hpl [ Fri 14 Dec, 2007 13:26 ]
Post subject: Re: [BBCode] Cell Class
other example:

42_notesThis is a test
General Info

  • List1: xxxxxxx

  • List2: xxxxxxx

  • List3: xxxxxxx

  • List4: xxxxxxx

Code: [Hide]
  1. [cell class=forumline width=500 margin=20][cell class=row-header height=24 padding=3][img align=right][/img][size=14][b]This is a test[/b][/size][/cell][cell class=row5bg padding=3][size=14][font=Verdana][align=center][b][i]General Info[/i][/b][/align][/font][/size][/cell]  
  2. [cell padding=20][size=14][list][*][font=Verdana][b]List1:[/b] xxxxxxx[/font]  
  4. [*][font=Verdana][b]List2:[/b] xxxxxxx[/font]  
  6. [*][font=Verdana][b]List3:[/b] xxxxxxx[/font]  
  8. [*][font=Verdana][b]List4:[/b] xxxxxxx[/font]  
  10. [/list][/size][/cell][/cell] 

Mighty Gorgon [ Sun 16 Dec, 2007 02:02 ]
Post subject: Re: [BBCode] Cell Class

This is really nice!


mitchagbayani [ Sun 04 Dec, 2011 05:54 ]
Post subject: Re: BBCODE - Cell Classes
hi! i'm just new here, thanks for this helpful info!

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