Hello Icy Phoenix Friends!

Subject: Hello Icy Phoenix Friends!
Times are rough now a days (this too shall come to pass) but just wanted to stop in and say hello to all and to pass on my best of wishes. I hope everyone stays safe and sound!

I have a simple list of things to do;

1: No panic buying (fear breeds fear)
2: Avoid people at all cost calmly
3: Kick price gougers in the shins and laugh as I walk off!!! :LOL: :LOL:

Take care my friends!! We shall see each other on the other side of this!

Subject: Re: Hello Icy Phoenix Friends!
Hey Ray! Nice to see you here.
Everybody's a bit scared now. Where I live, I have to go out with a mask, and some hours are specifically reserved for senior citizens.
Still, at least people don't hoard and panic too much. Still easy to find food.

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Subject: Re: Hello Icy Phoenix Friends!
Hello Guys,
everything is going crazy everywhere... I'm working at home since first days of March... I'm a bit tired of just being at home... but we have to do that.

There are queues everywhere outside supermarkets. :shock:

Subject: Re: Hello Icy Phoenix Friends!
Things are starting to slowly return to normal again here in shopping centers. People still are acting childish and some arguing going on but not as bad as I thought it was going to get. Shelves are starting to be stocked once again.

My wife is off of work until no less than May 7th (w/ pay thankfully). And I agree MG, being at home is getting a bit rough but is necessary.

I truly hope the world has learned some very valuable lessons from all this. We kind of failed in a miserable fashion. I saw some terrible stuff going on here in the states that made me ashamed of my people. They thought of them selves and not once did they think of others.

Anyhow, it is great hearing from you guys. Take really good care and stay safe! This will all be over soon!

Subject: Re: Hello Icy Phoenix Friends!
Hi Fella!,

You're right about the "last-minute" panicking.

Western society didn't take this as serious as the Chinese did, no doubt with the attitude that "WE'RE" tougher than the Asians!

And even so very much less prepared. Government's and ALL!


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