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Welcome To Icy Phoenix

  • What is Icy Phoenix?
  • Icy Phoenix is a CMS based on phpBB (a fully scalable and highly customisable open-source Bulletin Board package PHP based) plus many modifications and code integrations which add flexibility to the whole package. The official home page for phpBB is www.phpbb.com. Icy Phoenix has some features originally developed for phpBB XS Project which has been founded by Bicet and then developed by both Bicet and Mighty Gorgon. Icy Phoenix has been created by Luca Libralato after he left the phpBB XS Project.

  • What are the main features of Icy Phoenix?
  • Icy Phoenix has many features, most of them are listed in the Features Page and in the Credits Page. The main ones are:
    • phpBB bulletin board and permission system
    • CMS features allowing the creation of new pages and blocks
    • Overall template integration among all site sections
    • Many ready to use features: Photo Gallery, Downloads, Knowledge Base, Links, Chat...
    • Multi-language and multi-template ready
    • Almost 100% XHTML and CSS W3C compliant
    • ...and many others...

  • Is Icy Phoenix supported for bugs, security issues, improvements?
  • Icy Phoenix is an open source project. As like many open source projects it is developed by people using their free time. At the moment there are several persons in the staff willing to help and to contribute to this project. We hope the community will continue to grow and be able to provide all the necessary support to all the users who may need help.

  • Is Icy Phoenix easy to install and upgrade from other platforms?
  • Icy Phoenix has its own setup procedure which guides the user through the steps of the setup process. An upgrading file is provided to upgrade the package from standard phpBB and phpBB XS. Hopefully an upgrade procedure from any other platform will be written in the future: at the moment the only way to upgrade from another platform is by downgrading to phpBB and then run the provided upgrade procedure.

  • Does Icy Phoenix have many templates?
  • Yes, at the moment there are some free templates (some of them with multicolour variations) and we are working to create new ones. If you are interested in new templates you should regularly check the support forum and Styles Section.

  • Is Icy Phoenix multi-language?
  • English is the main language of Icy Phoenix, but it has been translated into other languages (alphabetical order): Arabic, Catalan, Dutch, German, Italian, Spanish... and more to come! If you don't find your language listed here, please ask at the support forum, maybe someone else is working on the translation you need and you would be welcome to join the translation team to give your contribution.

  • Will Icy Phoenix be upgraded to phpBB 3?
  • The matter is quite complex. Even if the starting core was phpBB 2, many phpBB 3 features and core functions have been ported to Icy Phoenix: this means that currently Icy Phoenix is based on a version of phpBB which is an hybrid between phpBB 2 and phpBB 3. The code is highly optimized, it uses cache extensively, you shouldn't miss phpBB 3.

  • May I join the Icy Phoenix Project?
  • Of course. Icy Phoenix is an open source project, and anyone who is willing to give his own contribution on a stable basis may then apply to join the Team.

Before trying to install Icy Phoenix make sure you have the following STRICTLY NEEDED requirements:
  • At least 20 MB of free space in the folder you would like to install the package.
  • Web server with PHP (5 or higher) installed and running (works best on Linux + Apache).
  • MySQL (5 or higher) database with at least 5MB of free space (of course the space needed depends on how big your site will be... 5MB is enough for a basic empty setup).
  • Ability to set CHMOD permissions.

These other requirements (even if not strictly needed) are suggested for optimal performance of Icy Phoenix:
  • Hosting Services with .htaccess capability.
  • Apache Rewrite Mod installed and running.
  • GD Libraries (at least 2.0.28) installed and running.
  • Register Globals set to OFF.

Icy Phoenix Features
Icy Phoenix Documentation

Please refer to the forum for further informations and support requests.


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New Sections

New Sections Posted  Sat 18 Apr, 2009 11:07 By Mighty Gorgon
Hi all,
I have just released some new site sections which I'm going to explain the purpose here.

  • Bugs Tracker: a brand new section where registered users may submit bugs to Developers. This is still in Beta Version, and if no bugs arise it will be officially opened. Please use that page only for BUGS, not for support requests!!! Trolls and spammers will be banned.

  • Styles: the new styles section which will contain ONLY styles designed by me (Mighty Gorgon). This section will include both Icy Phoenix and phpBB 3 styles. Currently contains only styles for Icy Phoenix RC1. Please note that these styles won't work with Icy Phoenix This section is still in Beta Version, please use the forum to report bugs. A big thank you to The Steffen for creating all the languages buttons.

  • Donations: this is the new supporters page which should be automatically feeded by PayPal when donating.

  • Donate: this page allows users to donate through their PayPal account and being automatically added to the Donations list. If some conditions are met they should also receive some benefits (check that page for further informations). If someone who donated through this page won't automatically appear in the Donations list, please contact me. Special thanks to Highway Of Life for having developed the basic PayPal class which I have used in this page.

I have worked on these new sections for months and now that we are approaching the final release I have decided to open them to the public, just to make sure that everything is working fine for the new coming release.

Please feel free to report feedbacks or any other comment in this topic.

Thank you.


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Rules For Adding Customizations

Rules For Adding Customizations Posted  Wed 30 May, 2007 12:10 By Mighty Gorgon
Hi all.

Here you will find just few rules for adding/creating customizations for Icy Phoenix.

  • The first rule is KIS: Keep It Simple. This means that you should add files in the easiest way for the users to install it. If the mod is few line changes, provide a code changes to the mod installation instructions.
  • Premodded package. If the mod you are installing is quite big, you may be tempted to provide a premodded package. In this case please make sure that the premodded package is based on a clean installation.
  • PHP and phpBB Skills. Please note that Icy Phoenix code is different in some core files from the phpBB code. This means that you should really pay attention when integrating a mod and doing it properly may require time. Many vars are differently named, and the cache system requires sometimes extra tweaks.
  • Security. If a mod is not integrated properly it may leads to a security issue as well. Please submit mods for validations to someone of the Staff or to me before posting them in public fourm.
  • Testing. Mods included should be tested on a clean installation. For big modifications, a test site with a test account should be preferred.

That's all for now...

Please note that this not mean that you don't have to contribute with your mods on Icy Phoenix... it simply means that you should consider doing it properly, otherwise some users may have problems with the modifications provided, and in some cases they can hang their sites.

Thank you for your contributions.



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Copyright Posted  Tue 29 May, 2007 01:28 By Mighty Gorgon
Hi all.

It comes to my attention several Copyright problems, so I've decided to write this post.

First of all I would like to point out that Icy Phoenix is distributed under the GNU GPL, because it is based on phpBB which is distributed under the same license and requires that all its derived product are released under the same license.

Having said that... I would like to stress that if you choose Icy Phoenix you should at least keep a link to this site and to phpBB on all pages in which you are using this CMS. I can't force you to keep this... but we won't provide support to users which shows sites without proper copyright.

Regarding templates... if someone creates a new template and this is using many graphic elements from another template, then permission to the author should be asked and a link to the original template author should be preserved (unless the author expressely accept you to remove such a link).

For example...

I've adapted Morpheus created by CyberAlien under his permission and his copyright is there.

Someone did use some graphics elements created by myself: everyone is welcome to do it, my work is free to be used and distributed, but in these case the original link I provide with my works should be preserved. I don't mind if only few graphics is used, but if you do include a full set of buttons, then my copyright should be there... The same for buttons and graphics created by anyone else, unless the author expressely declares that no copyright is needed.

If you have doubt about what I've posted here, feel free to ask me privately.

Some example of modified copyright you may use for templates:
Design by Mighty Gorgon modified by XXX

Design by by XXX
based on XXX by Mighty Gorgon

Design by XXX - Some graphics by Mighty Gorgon

I think you got my point...

Thank you for your cooperation.


If you find here in Icy Phoenix something that is missing credit where credit is due, please contact me.


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