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Welcome To Icy Phoenix

  • What is Icy Phoenix?
  • Icy Phoenix is a CMS based on phpBB (a fully scalable and highly customisable open-source Bulletin Board package PHP based) plus many modifications and code integrations which add flexibility to the whole package. The official home page for phpBB is www.phpbb.com. Icy Phoenix has some features originally developed for phpBB XS Project which has been founded by Bicet and then developed by both Bicet and Mighty Gorgon. Icy Phoenix has been created by Luca Libralato after he left the phpBB XS Project.

  • What are the main features of Icy Phoenix?
  • Icy Phoenix has many features, most of them are listed in the Features Page and in the Credits Page. The main ones are:
    • phpBB bulletin board and permission system
    • CMS features allowing the creation of new pages and blocks
    • Overall template integration among all site sections
    • Many ready to use features: Photo Gallery, Downloads, Knowledge Base, Links, Chat...
    • Multi-language and multi-template ready
    • Almost 100% XHTML and CSS W3C compliant
    • ...and many others...

  • Is Icy Phoenix supported for bugs, security issues, improvements?
  • Icy Phoenix is an open source project. As like many open source projects it is developed by people using their free time. At the moment there are several persons in the staff willing to help and to contribute to this project. We hope the community will continue to grow and be able to provide all the necessary support to all the users who may need help.

  • Is Icy Phoenix easy to install and upgrade from other platforms?
  • Icy Phoenix has its own setup procedure which guides the user through the steps of the setup process. An upgrading file is provided to upgrade the package from standard phpBB and phpBB XS. Hopefully an upgrade procedure from any other platform will be written in the future: at the moment the only way to upgrade from another platform is by downgrading to phpBB and then run the provided upgrade procedure.

  • Does Icy Phoenix have many templates?
  • Yes, at the moment there are some free templates (some of them with multicolour variations) and we are working to create new ones. If you are interested in new templates you should regularly check the support forum and Styles Section.

  • Is Icy Phoenix multi-language?
  • English is the main language of Icy Phoenix, but it has been translated into other languages (alphabetical order): Arabic, Catalan, Dutch, German, Italian, Spanish... and more to come! If you don't find your language listed here, please ask at the support forum, maybe someone else is working on the translation you need and you would be welcome to join the translation team to give your contribution.

  • Will Icy Phoenix be upgraded to phpBB 3?
  • The matter is quite complex. Even if the starting core was phpBB 2, many phpBB 3 features and core functions have been ported to Icy Phoenix: this means that currently Icy Phoenix is based on a version of phpBB which is an hybrid between phpBB 2 and phpBB 3. The code is highly optimized, it uses cache extensively, you shouldn't miss phpBB 3.

  • May I join the Icy Phoenix Project?
  • Of course. Icy Phoenix is an open source project, and anyone who is willing to give his own contribution on a stable basis may then apply to join the Team.

Before trying to install Icy Phoenix make sure you have the following STRICTLY NEEDED requirements:
  • At least 20 MB of free space in the folder you would like to install the package.
  • Web server with PHP (5 or higher) installed and running (works best on Linux + Apache).
  • MySQL (5 or higher) database with at least 5MB of free space (of course the space needed depends on how big your site will be... 5MB is enough for a basic empty setup).
  • Ability to set CHMOD permissions.

These other requirements (even if not strictly needed) are suggested for optimal performance of Icy Phoenix:
  • Hosting Services with .htaccess capability.
  • Apache Rewrite Mod installed and running.
  • GD Libraries (at least 2.0.28) installed and running.
  • Register Globals set to OFF.

Icy Phoenix Features
Icy Phoenix Documentation

Please refer to the forum for further informations and support requests.


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Icy Phoenix Beta

Icy Phoenix Beta Posted  Sun 04 Mar, 2007 11:47 By Mighty Gorgon
Icy Phoenix
Hi all,
here is the second beta release of Icy Phoenix.

Click here to have some general info about Icy Phoenix.
Click here for some extra info about the beta testing phase.

Since latest beta many bugs have been fixed thanks to your contribution. Unfortunately, due to lack of time I didn't keep track of all the changes, because when I have free time I prefer to code instead of writing docs which are not so important after all.

This package includes also some new features and some improvements on the CMS system which will be the core of Icy Phoenix.

Some new implementations...
  • BBCodes and smileys boxes reorganized for easy and better integration among all the site (now all editing windows should have the same layout).
  • Some CMS blocks have been improved and now most of the blocks work fine even if included multiple times.
  • CMS section improved to facilitate user access and understanding on how the CMS works.
  • Some mods and functions updated for security reasons and code optimizations.
  • Page Header rewritten from scratch and code optimized: now page loading should be faster.
  • Some extra switches added in ACP.

What needs to be completed is:
  • CMS permission level
  • Dynamic menu (possibility to create menu and menu items in the CMS section)
  • Ice Template

As usual... Even if this package is quite stable I would suggest you to install it on live environments only if you are quite good PHP and phpBB. During the beta testing period only a limited support (focused exclusively on fixing bugs) will be given on Icy Phoenix. If you are trying to upgrade your existing sites to this release you should consider that the final release may not contain upgrading instructions from this beta. Remember also that the old upgrading instructions won't work fine because the structure of the package has been changed... You have been warned...

Thank you for your cooperation and a big thank you to the whole Staff.

Icy Phoenix Beta Release
Package Name: Icy Phoenix
Package Version: Beta
Release Spot: Hydrogen the next step...

DOWNLOAD: Icy Phoenix Beta

EDIT 2007/03/08 00.45 CET

Added some small modifications and fixes:
  • Fixed album auth
  • Fixed KB images in ACP
  • Rewritten BOTS parsing function (should be optimized for quick parsing and BOT are parsed only once on index)
  • Added a couple of functions to improve code modularity
  • Fixed some small issues with calendar
  • Removed URL rewriting for portal news
  • Other small fixes

 Description:  IP 1099 Updates
 Filename:  ip_20070307_1099_updates.zip
 Filesize:  328.09 KB
 Downloaded:  6059 Time(s)


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New CMS System Coming...

New CMS System Coming... Posted  Wed 28 Feb, 2007 01:11 By Mighty Gorgon
Icy Phoenix
Hi all.

I'm finishing working on the CMS system to improve it and to make it as useful and flexible as possible.

I will try to create some pages to show what you can do with this new system, and I'll add the link here.

This post may be then used as a reference for creating new pages when Icy Phoenix will be out... and I may even consider to include here the SQL for the pages I'm creating.

Pages List

If you try to use these pages, please report any error you will find.

Thanks for your help and cooperation.


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Icy Phoenix Beta Testing Phase

Icy Phoenix Beta Testing Phase Posted  Sun 21 Jan, 2007 23:56 By Mighty Gorgon
Icy Phoenix
Hi all, I'm finally back from NY...

After having published the beta of Icy Phoenix the activity on this site is grown very much... and of course I'm happy to see that most of the users like what I've done so far.

Anyway I think that I've been misunderstood in some way with my release post, and I would like to clarify and point out some things.

  1. First of all:

    Mighty Gorgon wrote: [View Post]
    This beta release is meant for giving you some flavour of what the Icy Phoenix is going to be, fixing the bugs and maybe obtain some good suggestions to be implemented in the final release... Even if this package is quite stable I would suggest you to install it on live environments only if you are quite good PHP and phpBB. During the beta testing period only a limited support (focused exclusively on fixing bugs) will be given on Icy Phoenix.

    If you are trying to upgrade your existing sites to this release you should consider that the final release may not contain upgrading instructions from this beta. Remember also that the old upgrading instructions won't work fine because the structure of the package has been changed... You have been warned...

    This is a quote from the release post... and I would like to stress this point.

    BETA Release means that the package is not fully tested and working. I repeat once again that you should not use this on LIVE environments, unless you know what you are doing and you think you are able to sort out all the problems that may arise.

    I didn't provide the upgrade instructions from phpBB XS just for the same reason... I don't want users trying this if they are not confident with the package.

    I have to write this post because I'm reading too many posts from people asking for support in upgrading their site... and I don't like it! The package is not fully tested, it is not stable, it may be exposed to risks and so on... what is most important is that NO INSTRUCTIONS will be given to upgrade from the beta release... so you may not be able to upgrade to the final version.

  2. The second thing that brings me to write this post is that I've read that some features are not working, that the old template is missing, that there are blank pages and so on...

    Well, once again... BETA means just that this issues are more likely to happen than in the final release (of course I'm not an expert coder, so even the final release will be buggy... but hopefully more tested and stable than this one).

  3. This package is phpBB 2 based... and won't ever be upgraded to phpBB 3... so, if you want something that will be based on phpBB 3, this is not the right place. At the moment I don't have the time to code something for phpBB 3, and what I think is important to stress is that while phpBB 2 is now running since 7 years and it is quite stable... phpBB 3 will be hopefully released this year and it will take a while before the package will be as stable as phpBB 2 is... and even most the mods need to be rewritten and adapted... and this will take much time as well.

  4. This project is based on phpBB which is released under the GNU... I would like to report this excerpt of it:
    The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
    freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
    License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
    software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
    General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
    Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
    using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
    the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
    your programs, too.

    When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
    price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
    have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
    this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
    if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
    in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.

    To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
    anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
    These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
    distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.

    For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
    gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
    you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
    source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their

    We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
    (2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
    distribute and/or modify the software.

    Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
    that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
    software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
    want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
    that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
    authors' reputations.

    Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
    patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
    program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
    program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
    patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.

    The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
    modification follow.

    This means that each of you can use, modify and distribute this software by accepting this... but also that you are taking all the risks to use it.

  5. This package is based on phpBB XS which I was developing together with Bicet until august, before I decided to leave that project... since most of the features were coded by ourselves, I don't see the point in changing some things we have built... I specify this because someone wrote that this package is similar to phpBB XS: why should I change something I have coded in the past even if under a different name?

I hope that you can understand my point... I don't want to be rude, I would like to stress that this release is meant for:
  • You to have a guess of what the final release will be like
  • Helping me in finding bugs
  • Having some suggestions and feedbacks

Any other kind of request is not appropriate in this phase... so in the future any request of support which is not a bug reporting or a suggestion, it is likely to be locked and not answered... sorry for that, but it is in your interest that you should not use this package if not fully confident with what you are doing.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Luca Libralato


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Icy Phoenix Beta

Icy Phoenix Beta Posted  Mon 08 Jan, 2007 18:23 By Mighty Gorgon
Icy Phoenix
Hi all,
I'm proud to release today the first beta of Icy Phoenix.

Some general info about Icy Phoenix.

  • What is Icy Phoenix?
  • Icy Phoenix is a CMS based on phpBB (an highly scalable PHP based Bulletin Board) plus many modifications and code integrations which add flexibility to the whole package. Icy Phoenix is a derivation of phpBB XS founded by Bicet and then developed by both Bicet and Mighty Gorgon.
  • What are the main features of Icy Phoenix?
  • Icy Phoenix has many features, most of them are listed in the Hacks List on this site, but the main ones are:
    • phpBB bulletin board and permission system
    • CMS functions allowing the creation of new pages and blocks (some of the functions are based on IM Portal)
    • Overall template integration among all site sections
    • Many ready to use features: Photo Gallery, Downloads, Knowledge Base, Links...
    • Multilanguage and multitemplate ready
    • Almost W3C compliant
    • Many others...

  • Is Icy Phoenix easy to install and upgrade from other platforms?
  • Icy Phoenix has its own setup procedure which is guiding the user trough the steps of the setup process. An upgrading file is provided to upgrade the package from standard phpBB and phpBB XS. Hopefully an upgrade procedure from any platform will be written in the future.
  • Does Icy Phoenix have many templates?
  • At the moment only three main templates (but with several multicolor variations) are available, but we are working to create new ones.
  • Is Icy Phoenix multilanguage?
  • English is the main language of Icy Phoenix, but it has been translated into other languages (alphabetical order): Catalan, Dutch, Galego, German, Italian, Serbian, Spanish... and more to come!

At the moment Icy Phoenix is in beta testing phase, what needs to be completed is:
  • Installation procedure testing in all environments
  • Latest UPI2DB integration
  • CTracker 5 testing
  • CMS permission level
  • Ice Template

This beta release is meant for giving you some flavour of what the Icy Phoenix is going to be, fixing the bugs and maybe obtain some good suggestions to be implemented in the final release... Even if this package is quite stable I would suggest you to install it on live environments only if you are quite good PHP and phpBB. During the beta testing period only a limited support (focused exclusively on fixing bugs) will be given on Icy Phoenix.

If you are trying to upgrade your existing sites to this release you should consider that the final release may not contain upgrading instructions from this beta. Remember also that the old upgrading instructions won't work fine because the structure of the package has been changed... You have been warned...

Thank you for your cooperation and a big thank you to the whole Staff for having helped me during this months of transition.

Special thanks to Artie, KugeLSichA, TheSteffen and z3d0 who have been upgraded to Admins here, thanks to their precious help.

Another big thank you to buldo, ThE KuKa and Tom who are Junior Admins and helped me so much too.

Icy Phoenix Beta Release
Package Name: Icy Phoenix
Package Version: Beta
Release Spot: Happy New Icy Phoenix

DOWNLOAD: Icy Phoenix Beta


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Icy Phoenix - New Domain

Icy Phoenix - New Domain Posted  Sun 07 Jan, 2007 00:56 By Mighty Gorgon
Icy Phoenix
Hi All and Happy New Year!

In Italy we say: new year... new life...

Well... it tooks me two days to move everything to this new domain, but now we officially have a new home and most important a new project name.

The new project name as you may have noticed is Icy Phoenix, I hope you like it.

We have several new things here, and it will take a bit for me and the Staff to make sure that everything is running fine... if you notice something that is not working or working incorrectly, please contact me.

As I promised I'll release a beta version of the new project in this days... I have a package ready, but I've just noticed a couple of things that still need to be fixed... so I'll post the link hopefully tomorrow.

Regarding Icy Phoenix, you will see here the new template which is going to be (with some adjustments) the final one... we will create a poll to rate this theme.

You will also notice some new sections regarding my mods: as most of you already know, I've created some mods for phpBB which I was supporting on my site... but now I have decided to move everything regarding phpBB world here, so all the technical things are discussed on this site and MG.com may come back to its origin...

Finally I would like to thank all the Staff for having helped me in these months, and some of them directly contributed in the creation and testing of the new package.

You will notice that some of them have been promoted...

Thank you all, and enjoy the new site.

Luca Libralato


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